Here is one of a few dozen poems and flyers I’ve shared in the past few decades. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make connections…Some would say the paper itself and any scribbles or simple drawings (such as the acorn, heart and star smiling faces that often were on the papers too) along with a little contact info is all it takes. What If you were to pick up a pen and paper today and ‘see what comes along’ with a prompt of the Acorns to Oaks theme, the month we’re in, the times we’re in…

No one has to see it but if you’d like, feel free to share it with me anonymously or for credit on (at least the message and I’ll have to see about posting photos again on my blog.

.I could definitely use some tech help and even shifting it toward wordpress… and also dreaming out loud about the Acorns to Oaks Team Outreach which I dubbed A-2020 when the year 2020 was a long way off. It can also stand for 20/20 vision (health, more team efforts creating a vision for people, families, areas, cities, countries…and our one shared world online and in so many practical ways environmentally and health wise, sharing resources and needing to evolve with love and fair play.) PM me or be in touch at

Thanks for thinking along the gardening lines of ‘preparing and planning, planting and tending, sharing and harvesting and growing over time in meaningful ways..’ See more ideas about Permaculture on my post Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (and Circle of Friends.) These simple ideas can support a lot of the transition and networking to craft safety plans, healthy living, cooperative learning and working in these CV19 and #BLK and getting ready to vote times and beyond… Now Is The Time and We Are The Team Players…Game On 2020 Evolution With Love…a Lovelution To Help US All Pull Through Heart, Mind and Soul!

I have a letter going into the Lakeville Journal next week to invite more people into a conversation to review and improve safety and monitoring minors (and ourselves) voluntarily. We can widen the topics from summer safety (especially around water and the Falls) to parenting in general and caregiving, custody and divorce collaborative processes if it is safe and reasonable to do so (and many say if there’s abuse it’s not easy to mediate such as is offered via and even CT Divorce Mediation services which are few and far between.

Anyone in a relationship may want to review their practical, legal, ethical and safety levels (whether for support economically, socially, accessing services, having an assessment for health and relationship safety one’s close personal settings and wider social circles and more.

Likely ‘bullying’ has been stymied by the COVID19 as has any abuse or conflict in most religious, school, sport or civic group, identified or not. Nothing like putting the brakes on to stop everything in its tracks. While we initially were needing to isolate as a precaution, more have seen how much can still be done from a distance.

The rising up of concerns for justice for people of color and others are held by more of the country. It’s time  to seriously listen to and support  those who have lived in a difficult, dangerous version of America over the centuries (including most women and children by definition with hardly a way to get a seat at the discussion table..)

Let’s make 2020 the year where we see one another as the amazing spirit beings we are, with far more in common than not and meaningful ways to bridge gaps and rewrite history  with apologies and reparations, ways to collaborate and understand the role people of privilege, including everyone in America, who can help the world at this critical time with our voices and votes, choices and even simple notes with word, pictures, songs, prayers , dreams, and every breath we are gifted to take.

Let’s Change the Laws in Every State (and advocate for such around the world) to Ban Choke Holds and other forms of restraint that don’t allow the lungs to expand fully or for blood to flow to the brain. Let’s promote meditation, breathing exercises, healthy eating to prevent obesity and diabetes and so much more that is avoidable, like not smoking , drinking and drugging (especially among pregnant women and around children.) When people are given a fair chance to choose health and be in supportive social groups few choose to veer off the path particularly with the strict laws about drunk driving and more. Hoping everyone is having a positive day and life!