As James Taylor is famous for coaching US-All, “When you’re down and troubled, and you need a helping hand…’ one can start to think of calling him up, but even though he performs regularly (annually) at Tanglewood in Lenox MA on or near the 4th of July, he’s not a personal coach and alternative healer. News Flash: Jennifer McLean from CA will be at Kripalu doing a live workshop in early November 2017…maybe we can see if James wants to drop in or meet her. I hope to see if she’d like a local Berkshire welcome in some shape or form.. Berkshire Co-Op, Crystal Essence, Mason LIbrary…
For that one could google some amazing folks online such as on the You Wealth site, The Shift Network with Humanity’s Team and Jennifer McLean and her healing with the masters. Then there are people like Eric Pearl sharing The Reconnection which he offers is a stand alone type of energy or new frequency on the planet that can assist people in their journeys.
All give disclaimers that there are no guarantees or even promises for healing yet the doors are wide open for just that. Also they recommend people seek help from licensed professionals as needed to address issues and have all their options before them.
Likewise in sharing this information which I do for free is not to endorse or promote them as the only modality to try, but to encourage people to consider the possibilities…that IF they are ways to help oneself and others, it would be nice to know before you Really Need them.
I have found many helpful and hope to gain more understanding even after five to ten years of learning about some of them. Thanks again for keeping an open mind and being in tune with your experience, intuition and much more, with those in your family and friend circles and lineages (some say we inherit a lot more than our genes such as an emotional ‘life event’ download from others and our previous selves–yes from possible past lives.) Some speak to laws of how the universe interact with our mental and creative energies. People on these and other sites fill in some very big blanks.
“We know universal laws and a presence exist because of the responsiveness is reliable,” according to Marilyn Janette. She describes the universal laws as consistent and workable for everyone, simple and clear and important to tune into. The subconscious likes simple. If we align ourselves with the creative force of the universe through out subconscious mind, our thoughts and feelings…” Okay, I can’t transcribe the whole talk at this time but there’s plenty to ponder.
When we are challenged. let’s be clear that we are not alone and we can get help responding with care and respect. “To shift our consciousness we just need to change to a new dominant thought.”It’s not easy, but whatever we are thinking we may attract…good, bad or otherwise, consciously or unconsciously. We can receive the good from the universe that aligns with our higher selves, and we all have higher selves. That’s my wording but aligns with what she is saying. All the best…and get ready to receive