Thu, 02/23/2017 – 10:24
Rereading a post on FB about Love What Matters, there was a story about special glasses that can help a person who is color blind see. They had a video of a teen seeing colorful balloons on a table and being moved maybe to tears about being able to distinguish reds and greens and other colors. Other parents and people chimed in with their ideas..and it is a great thing. Then I put a few comments on the page as follows…
And there are types of ‘feeling blindness’ and thinking blindspots, relationship skills blindspots…if only we could get the glasses to help clear up those kinds of blindness everyone would feel like a rainbow and a million bucks.
and drum roll..the biggest blindness we all are programmed to take on is not ‘seeing with our heart’ and feeling with our dreams..not believing in the possibility of life after death (or multiple lives…mostly one after the other but even there theories abound). Now lots more on my blog which throws a different light on many topics and often goes Way off topic (intentionally and legally, thank you very much…trying to help US-All allow ourselves more Freedom while there’s a bit left in the world–mostly in other countries but we could catch the train of creative,caring thrinking sooner rather than much-too-later). Thanks a bundle.

We all want the best for our kids on all fronts, and for me as for many, we can’t always see or comprehend the possibility of one getting to heaven before we do…yet with the passing of our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton, our whole area and those hearing of his heroic love and courage to help save a friend got us seeing the world in new ways.

Not many can ‘talk about things’ even if would help others because for so many the belief is’ it’s not appropriate’ or ‘it could lead to a lawsuit if negligence on the part of people or a town or school were alleged–and had to be settled outside of court– or proven’. Or there are other reasons. but likely those are at the top of the list.

Plus in small towns and regions like ours, everybody knows everybody like family (and plenty are related and neighbors even with large zoning property regulations.) My apologies if this or my blog of a hundred posts rocks anyone’s world in the wrong way, but it’s for the Greater Good of Sharing Wisdom and Doing an Outreach to help those who feel ‘hopeless trying to get help for common problems and concerns

. I also try to Inspire People, though many would argue that point with some colorful terms like ‘word v-mit’.It’s often a Timing Thing and Who is Saying it rather than any critical assessment of the value of an idea. Often it’s exactly what they want to know when they Can Take the Time to Ask the question..but they are saying, Please let me do the asking –even if it costs me or someone else many problems for months or years, healthwise, relationship or parenting wise..or worse. Life wise. Well that’s free will but when others are left at the mercy of those who don’t give a darn I feel it’s Everybuddy’s jog to Speak Up and that would be NOW! )

Let’s compromise and call it compost if need be..but please don’t shut folks down or up…not even your sweet self. Often allowing expression is the Key to Seeing What’s What in a Good Light (even if there is some deep digging to do along the way.) Mind you, that’s NOT the case if you are Arrested or in a Court of Law,,then it Must be MUMS the Word if you could land in jail or lost custody of your kids (which is actually a prospect for Anyone with Kids whether to false reports from Child Protective Services or an Unbalanced Parent or Other Family member or ‘advocate’ (including GALs…and many other professional$==Their bottom line is Making Money.

These are basics covered by many experts and I had a hard time believing this could all be Typical in modern times for those not able or willing to work amicably at addressing problems such as fair custody.

See more by those at BMCC which is held annually and is open to the public, but is to advocate for safety for abused parents (generally the Moms). Okay, back to your regular scheduled feel-good Programming now with the foundational wisdom needed to Keep Your Kids Close (and Safe and Together with the Protective Mothers–or Dads as the case may Really be not just alleged and reinforced by corrupt or incompetent parties such as Judges, Attorneys, DV Advocates (sorry but they often give very limited info and leave women in a cloud of FOG) , doctors, teachers, counselors, Other parents and adults Who Should Know Better By Now yet choose blindness and deafness out of a FOG of their own (Fear, Obligation, Guilt and often Revenge–since they work hard or they don’t feel others helped them in times of need in their lives so WHY SHOULD THEY?!)

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