Tonight I indulged in listening to a guest on the Jen McLean show that was live (with a replay I can tune into for the second part within 48 hours.) I then zoned in on a live video at about being a Life Coach. All I need is $2000 but I really think it would be cool to follow through with Eban’s teachings, since he’s been in the biz for 25 years (that’s roughly half my lifetime.) Let me know if you’d like to help fund any such venture. I realize I broke his first rule of ‘giving coaching away for free.’ I must admit I’ve done that all of my life and felt that was my calling (and everyone else’s too.) I do have a greater appreciation for the idea that people who get paid for a certain skill or dedication of time to certain jobs will actually do them and are not apt to slack off or be overcome by other needs so lose track of what they needed or wanted to do. There could be another post on what motivates someone to work for pay, volunteer, not want to be paid for work that others are paid for, to work set hours or a certain number versus not keep track and maybe work endless hours. Getting a few hours off is a luxury for most parents at home with their kids. The willingness to share with another parent or other trusted person, to ask for help for housework or cooking or even shopping and errands is not common and does take some faith and ability. I think I shared that half of the households are single occupancy at this time (more or less.) With so many people ‘alone’ why aren’t there more ways for people to be ‘alone together’?
Even more groups for couples would be nice (even if ladies and guys, or various age groups) Some faith or civic groups offer such things and likely a few good ideas can be replicated. Finding what is working in one’s area and building on that likely would catch on nicely. Most schools could grow up the networks to include more community based on the classes as well as those coming in from infancy onward and even keep alumni in the loop after grade school and high school (and college where they’ve likely learned new cool ways to build community.)
As for me back at Vassar in the 1980s I made a lot of handmade Valentine’s for friends… about 50. One person who was English thought I made only one for him, but I explained the more community-minded idea of giving out many such cards. He was very disappointed and not okay with that concept, so my apologies to those who are feeling they are not being treated in a way they would like from me or anyone else on any particular occassion. Someone I shared this story with said she felt the class Valentine idea was still fine as an adult (such as in the college setting.) But she also went to the same small school I did back in the 1970s so who knows how adults feel about such things now. I highlighted the option for a Community Valentine Board where people could post notes in pre-drawn hearts to one person, a group, the school or wider world. That was an innovative idea back then and I thought it’d catch on quick. Maybe if I made up the posters they’d appear on community kiosks around the country. By all means, feel free to do that for me and report back. Quotes about respect, kids, parents, lovers and commitment and even practical advice could be sprinkled throughout. Maybe stickers with such quips and notes could be made so the bulletin boards could be posted in a NY Minute. I’ve heard that term but don’t know exactly what it means…
Okay, it’s late and I’m not thinking about a date except with my cozy bed in the country. Waking up to a windswept snowy yard and hills of evergreens and barren trees is refreshing after seeing plenty of city streetscapes in the past year. I feel I can honestly say “I Love New York” and it’s not for the tall buildings alone. Even they are a tribute to the people who designed and built them. Plus all those who maintain and live in them. It’s a TON of energy.
There are loads of people living on top of each other so to speak. Seeing some coverage of those folks in Sacramento CA area (200K of them) fleeing their homes due to possible flooding was alarming. We can’t take much for granted these days even with modern conveniences.
The news is chock a block with moving stories of people’s lives and too often tragedies we would not expect…a youth dying on a ride out West on a water slide (the RU Insane), a skiier colliding into another in our local CT area, a skilled surgeon suffering from depression (that was not clear to his family or colleagues) and ending his life from a bridge (not drugs which he likely could have skillfully used…that kind of doubles the question of his mental condition..was it really a plan or more of a sudden decision. That can be the case so everyone should try to recognize they may ‘hit bottom’ as though a sink hole emerging out of nowhere in terms of finding themselves Way out of sorts. Likely there are signs (to that person or others close to them at home or work.) But often people are private, polite and not sure What to Do or Say or Who to Tell. We likely need to craft plans along those lines to be more alert and have game plans in place for ‘what if’ scenarios.
For now the plan for me will be to get some shut-eye and start on some herbs that can help restore balance to my system to address some health concerns. After seeing an acupuncturist who does herbal treatments and belly massage, I am feeling eager to see if I can bring more balance to my system, life and relationships.
That will include a healthier diet (no bread, starches or sugar for the two weeks I’m on the herbal regimen of strong teas…and likely not much after that for a while either.) Maybe that’s a lot to hear but likely it can help more people realize it’s nothing personal, it’s chemistry. So save that dark chocolate with almonds and sea salt for me next year…and have a sparkling Valentine’s Day to celebrate, you, all those you love, our bigger scene and plan-it and the love from above and yet to come. Hugs and well wishes, ciao bellas!