Putting in Friend Requests on Facebook, I found some older women activists, some who have been doing their part for years, even making documentaries on those ‘hidden problems’ (such as Family Court issues). Anything that Raises the Topics of Concern and How to Improve matters for Children, Women, and Good Guys is Great, along with The Earth and Her Heart.
I woke up this morning thinking of my name, Catherine, as having both Earth and Heart in in it (since those two words have the same letters…One Earth Heart is what we can each take to think on and get inspired by today. If POTUS Trump is able to do so much wrong in a short time, maybe with enough advocacy and some divine intervention he can have a change of heart like that character who stole Christmas and had a change of heart on a mountain top.
Then he can get his pen out again and say, “REVERSE ALL OF THAT!” in a prompt impressive Presidential action (after all these are not final divorce orders he is signing or an irrevocable trust, only the rules for the modern world.)
Then He can Do The Right Thing and Improve Matters as the WAVE OF HUMANITY has spelled out Clearly for Him so a 5th-grader could do so. Plus let’s look at what Steven Greer is saying on youtube about real kind-hearted alien beings rooting for us (along with many angels and saints and I’d say the J-team (Jesus and Jhvh or Creator, loving beings as that works and is not politicized to hurt people nor kill them please) on high too hopefully in concert with earthly religious and other people’s chiming in they are willing to compromise to Share the Planet and Keep It Spinning without warfare of any kind (particularly those big bombs that rock the world and may be punishable by others in the universe, not unlike described in Sci Fi movies from the 1950s…).
Fear of being ridiculed is what Steven Greer says the government has used to keep the public or universities from educating the public about key events from that era and all along into the present.
Let’s not delay with learning what could ‘pull US-ALL out the Jam We are All in’ more than we know. Trump is Rocking the boat, but let’s not let him (or other powerful leaders) capsize it.”One Earth, One Love” is a drum mantra I shared among hundreds in Salisbury CT in January 2017 at the Women’s March on the green of the White Hart Inn, my hometown for four years before living ten minutes over in the next town.
Let’s harken back to our collective roots and homes on pacha mama, Mother Earth, and let our Creator and loving support team on all levels (which likely includes our ancestors and other spiritual friends pulling for us and helping with the flow of hope and ideas and Actions…once we are pointed in the healing, helpful direction.)
I only realized that a few years back and put that on the candlelighting for the darkness energy shelf, trusting that would be helpful not only to me but to All Catherines who have that spelling and by extension All People who Consider the deeper ‘hidden meanings’ of their names (and birthdates, family trees, local connections and wider world…). It doesn’t take Much to think of how Connected Everything Really Is but it does take Something.
A Search for Truth by Ruth Montgomery is one I have discovered many cool ideas, some of which I’ve heard and others not so much. One is that there is a ‘ring of energetic knowledge’ that wraps up the planet so that all the inhabitants are bathed in those frequencies. The interplay of the beings on the earth and the information is ripe for the enlivening and then the ideas and collaborations come readily. We don’t create as much as we harvest from that ring of knowledge. Our attitude of gratitude for the small and grand, for the gift of life and daily rebirth are part of getting in the starting blocks.
A child-like appreciation for the big world that is full of potential, mystery and good adventures with teamwork with all elements and people further the energetic connection.
Then there is intuition and interest, asking and receiving, conceiving feelings and ideas (maybe in that order Edgar Cayce and others say) and then talking to oneself and others (even on an answering machine so one can fully explore what is being ‘downloaded’ and not be interrupted but perhaps questioned for more insights…to encourage the Flow of Ideas and next steps or tangential topics or ones that just pop into one’s head. If this is sounding like one of those science fiction movies where you need to have your skills to maneuver a craft to avoid asteroids, well, yes, it can Feel Like That, Scary, Unfamiliar (for months or years, yet easier and exciting too, not unlike other ‘new skills or relationships, projects or journeys.)
Okaayy, so Then once one begins to accept even ‘ideas out of the blue’ to explore in a timely manner or on a rainy day (ideally jotting those babies down or asking a friend to do so, even putting a note on one’s calendar or in one’s notebook rather than a scrap of paper that’s apt to scurry under the bed or stay in a pocket through the wash. Same with people and contact information you are trying to Keep Track Of, put in one spot (at least an envelope ideally with Where You Met and What You Have in Common, etc so the magic scribble can Mean Something if You find it years later.)
Okay so those are a few tricks of this new free trade of ideas and information, in case the Internet Gets Shut Down Altogether..which is what Trump is seeming to seek (by not funding access to low-income people which was in the works, etc). Many libraries and other public centers are not open Every Day for some time, and some not for long (think a few hours a day or just a few days a week in small towns.
I have wanted ALL FAITH and CIVIC organizations to find ways to make Computer Access Available to the Public, particulary to pay bills, apply for jobs and schools, and to handle legal or other pressing matters. But NO Way, Josephina… each non-profit has to ‘stick to its mission’ and most cannot criticize the government! What a lovely set of Unbalanced Checks and Balances (as in Non-Existent!)
Whistleblowers beware.. few Care about Wrongdoing and Wrangling with Confusing and Conflicting Agendas. ALL WOMEN should realize their Suffering has had to be done IN SILENCE.. The Statistics barely creep out after DECADES of consistent horrifying tales of control and abuse…by men, generally ‘their guys’. The isolation of children and victims is a well that only grows deeper or more corrupt over time.
The big Why is because A LOT OF POWERFUL PEOPLE MAKE TONS OF MONEY!! And tons of good citizens Don’t Think there is a Problem (that is technically called DENIAL) and Most are not Directly Impacted, although there are many costs and losses piling up in the shadows. Okay, so an additional point to that tragedy is that ALL WOMEN and GOOD GUYS are likely starting to Care Now more than ever about the State of the Nation, their future and more. They can LEARN A LOT from the women who have had it the worst (and their kids who have had it worse still in many ways.) How Can We Work Together OUTSIDE OF THE SYSTEM (which is seeking to cut down funds for more non-profits, and may hasten our networking and maybe free a few from the regulations.)
Maybe Small is the way to start, town by town, with informal groups of parents and caring adults of Each School, Faith Group and Others looking to protect to Children 24-7/365, Especially those little ones not in programs and Their Mothers. Warning ALL Females in daycares, schools, colleges and of each decade (those in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s,. 80s, 90s and yes, 100s) about their Rights as of Today and under the law but moreover of their Resources in their communities to Actually have help for basics like food, housing, childcare, transportation and so on would be a great place..and SAFETY OVER THEIR BODIES, KIDS AND HOMES. If we work together to prevent those kinds of crime with Sweeping Public Education Campaigns (something I seldom see done and which could be promoted on a Daily Basis in a meaningful way to help people understand our modern options (which aren’t great but are much better than in the old days when there were no terms or laws to protect women and kids in their own homes and too much shame and secrecy as well as lack of follow through to intervene.)
It’s still a mess (or as in England they’d say a Bloody Mess…and with the violence in too many homes and in the media that’s another way to relay what’s going on behind closed doors or even in the courts of high conflict custody or divorce cases… as well as sex trafficking, and many other crime-laden aspects of our society.) Time to say, enough already, we may only be on the plan-it a short time longer with climate change or crazies at the top, let’s try to pull through with dignity for more (and ideally all.)
Too many are into saying “F it” and those with unbalanced thinking say ‘Cool, I’ll ride out this wave with a vengeance and never look back.” Spiritually they’ll likely end up like slugs or worse some say. Not to predict for sure, but the theories likely would give any semi-coherent person pause for reflection. With the drug industry booming (legal and illegal) it’s hard to help a lot of people get their feet and support networks up and running to get back to a decent starting over point. Most females and young people however likely have been victims of that catch-all term that’s never fully explored…
Abuse, and that can include neglect, poor education and too much pressure, few good social ties and more. Not that everyone should have things handed to them on a silver platter, so likely more study of ‘permaculture principles’ and seeing that one is a meaningful cog in the wheel of life on earth would be very helpful.
Sitting around meditating and taking it easy is often the new cool thing people realize can bring them back into their bodies and healing mindset And Productive lives. Good food helps too and that’s not a given for many, so why not circle round a table with some wholesome veggies and protein (peanut butter or healthy lean options of chicken or fish if that’s not too much on the environment.)
This following is what I shared on Facebook so wanted to reflect further here on the post. Hope it resonates and helps everybuddy with their journeys, singular and collective. Hugs all around..we can do this living life with faith,hope and love thing together. We gotta…
I have made a few “EarthHeart” Steps on www.livfully.org where comments are welcome in any section…The Remembering Kaelan Post explores the link between personal and local challenges with largers ones like the Holocaust. Now the Holocaust is a warning for mother nature and the earth herself…whose watching out for our natural resources, all women and kids and good guys? Not a few bad guys holding the money and power due to archaic systems..