When talking for a few minutes about this piece which I wrote late last night, I wanted to add that whoever Marilyn Monroe( or may I say “More-roe”( so much More than met the eye or screen or news birth to death as are Each of Us) was Before she may have incarnated into her lifetime (as well as since) clearly had a big mission on earth, not only as a star and entertainer but as a child born into a rough family such that she was put up for adoption after being in a dozen foster care homes as an infant and small child.
That shines a light of concern but also of hope that decent people can work together to help children and families in need. Yet we all need to realize there is corruption and ill-will woven throughout such situations…so there is no guarantee.. The same holds true for families of origin and one could wonder aloud (with made up examples…etc) to reflect on What IF some of the most challenging people and situations arise in our families (and close circles of friends and smll towns, etc) is indicating that we May Have Signed up for such roles?
The ‘reasons’ or explanations for why that may be the case would include balancing lifetimes of karma, seeking deeper understanding of the human condition (and more of what that really entails rather than just reading about it or hearing about someone else’s experience, and of course much more.
That “More” may include Helping Humanity in larger circles than our own tribe, moving hearts and minds to stay interested and even accountable for societal standards and follow-through. In the case about Marilyn, she may have had the fame as a way to be the ‘silenced spokesperson’ not only for her time but for OURS right NOW in terms of what Steven Greer says is the reason both Marilyn and JFK and even Bobby Kennedy were done in…disclosing to the public the underground gov’t military-industrial complex that deals with ways to not need oil or electricity for power but rather using Tesla-type and more advanced technologies to meet our energy needs.
This is not child’s play or science fiction, Steven Greer asserts as though his life and all of our lives Depend on Knowing The Truth. I wondered aloud if the roles of male-female attraction and all that jazz amongst the rich and famous were coincidence or again a ‘needed characteristic’ for not only conveying the theory of space progress and real aliens (as well as man-made aliens) to the public by people they all knew and mainly respected or considered competent to tell the truth when it counted (to save the earth and so on…) Back in the 1960s maybe people were collectively duped with fear from the 50s (which Steven Greer says was the Main Reason many would not or could not take the news seriously if they began to put the pieces together…)
It is very persistent today even among highly educated people, but I trust that as people hear and learn more about Quantum everything they will go with the flow of wisdom and hopefully be a help not a hindrance to comprehending what May Need to be done to help others learn about the Big Issues. What IF JFK were not a womanizer and such…would he have ever met with the likes of a MM, Marilyn Monroe and convey top governmental secrets to her? What if Marilyn were not that interested in helping US-All make the most of our world and chances at survival And have a drug issue which maybe gave her more flexibility in thinking outside the norms of what was acceptable or reasonable?
Even if it happened to be mixed in with another reason that she may have been killed, spilling the beans about her affairs with the Kennedy fellows (did the term strange bedfellows emerge from that? Might they have been in a more familial way in past lives or would the public have listened to a devoted couple conveying information clearly such as Steven and Emily Greer are doing?
What seems like a ‘dead in their tracks ending or reason’ for someone dying or being done in can be the beginning of a host of inquiry that informs people not only of their times but for generations to come.Learn history lest you repeat it unintentionally or unknowingly… we’ve all heart that but not likely applied to Things That Matter a Great Deal. Likely a New Think Tank that more people can agree to Consider listening to regularly would make sense. The conspiracy theorists and fake news folks get blended together while the mainstream media waltzing along to the tune of who playing exactly?
Not The Who, not The Beatles, Not even NPR… asking too few questions too late is not going to save our derrieres (butts)… Okay, back to honoring the legacy of Marilyn Monroe as a sister and friend to humanity likely more than we or even she as an earthling could ever imagine but likely did agree to as a spiritual being before incarnating…and who and where might she be now (maybe a few incarnations later…) I’ll leave that one for the psychics. Hope folks can get curious about Their Own Legacies via books such as YL (my abbreviation and a counter point to YOLO which means you only live once..the idea of YL is that we live Many Lifetimes…) Your Life (Why It is the Way it is and What You CAN Do about It) by Bruce McArthur.
(I think King Arthur would like the synchronicity and it’s subtitle, Understanding The Universal Law…) so bon voyage on self-discovery and Learning to Like Asking Questions and Considering the Many What-Ifs and seeing the people in your life so far with new eyes to be wise..That’s based on the teachings of Edgar Cayce who All Ministers should try to learn about along with the theosophy taught by Rudolf Steiner to be more informed about some other basic theories many draw upon to guide their lives in a more accountable, caring manner…and to treat others in respectful, humane ways..( I do understand there may be strands of any teaching that are adopted by some with ill intent and pursue very cruel goals, often for power etc, but hopefully we can keep an eye on the consistent messages from many traditions that advocate for peace, fairness and reform rather than revenge as much as possible..)