The You Wealth Revolution had a physicist Peter Shenk speaking last night that covered points about ‘as you believe, speak and act, so it is…” as well as how to up the positive frequencies of water, one’s body and life… just the basics to help get one’s show on the road. I know a lot of that sounds like wishful thinking squared, but the cost of not cashing in on one’s imagination, intuition and even ingeniousness is Costing Us Big Time. Why not Try to Play more with the Youniverse, not sing the ‘same old song’ when it’s sad and dreay like a heard of Eeyore’s braying (that depressed donkey from Winnin the Pooh stories and films for kids and adults…) Okay so here we are on Sunny Sunday, what’s going your way?
Maybe we will have Money Mondays (that’s a Barbara Stanny program online to empower women to think more Positively about the M word as in Money…not marriage but of course the Two Go Together especially if the marriage ‘needs to end’ even for one party..then the divorce and custody courts cash in On Your Kids, Life and Any Funds You Thought You would have quite possibly. See Kids for Cash documentary about the difficulty kids and families face when getting anywhere near the criminal court system..It’s Not Pretty and can be petty and of course, costly and may involve losing Access to Your Child to the prison or ‘quasi-prison schools and programs’ if not foster care or adoption system.
The idea ‘If you Build it They WILL come’ is a commandment in our country and they are building more Prisons than Schools I think…The play Pipeline is playing in NYC about the poor schools or declining cities (generally the Two go together even in the same state such as CT, NY and many others) to prison pipeline for youth. Other factors for decline are covered in happy, little towns like Falls Village CT…where many working class people cannot afford the rents or to buy.
The time for Open Heart Surgery in terms of Opening Our Hearts as though in surgery to heal our souls is one that is being signalled not just for problem areas or problem people but for All of US to consider how we can be part of a healing soul-you-tion. What is Your special gift even to join with others and work as team on a think tank, dream team or dream teach as I just ‘mistyped’.
Be Open to INspiration, breathing and feeling with one’s heart and collective mind..We can envision a brighter day and ways to play on earth together with our many team players, games and chores to be done to let the love evolve and shine through..Can you hear the music and feel the energerizing vibe that goes along with that… an upward spiral reversing the downward depressing vibes with lessons for the soul and the whole discovered as we think ‘as we treat others we treat ourselves..if we punish others we may be seeking to punish ourselves and not know why’. When we share an honest assessment of what people are feeling, experiencing and hoping to do, that can shed light on how to achieve that and let the universe help bring the right people and resources together. See Steven Greer online (youtube, his site etc) for big picture important info then dig into details in your country, state and town, family and personal circles of friends including yoursElf. Hugz and have a wonderful week, magican month and you-focused year…in harmony with others as sisters and brothers as my Mother would always promote and my Dad basically believe in terms of Everyone Pitching in with a Hard or Good Days Work and Game Plan!