We all dream at night. Some remember more about their dreams than others, but they are all ‘interpretations’ by the time one wakes up. Then some can tune Into their Dreams while they are happening. That is called Lucid Dreaming…and can occur more readily even by ‘asking or telling oneself to become aware of when one is dreaming.
Over time and with practice ‘tuning in’, one may see quite a show…and even be able to direct one’s dream towards ‘landing on one’s feet’, flying on a magic carpet or eagles wings (a large eagle). Get the picture? Another tip shared by Edgar Cayce or Rudolf Steiner (I can mix those two up from the last century who both offered many insights into possibilities about our human existence, having multiple lifetimes generally one after the other–yes each one of us and evolving over the centuries and eons of times often with soul groups who generally show up as family and friends. Some may do some miserable things to us but maybe that is mainly on the surface.
We may have ‘asked or agreed’ to go through certain challenges, be born into a family and area and country at a certain time for our soul to experience and learn and grow in the school of human life and relationships. Hopefully everyone has heard this Theory so they can tune into the helpful aspects of it in a timely manner.
What if we all were incarnating at this time in part to be around for the solar eclipses and other cool bigger picture events happening in our galaxy (or the next one over) not only for a thrill like some sightseeing trip but to actually allow our spirits to be inspired or otherwise coached or enlightened and recharged by the solar system?
These are rather common ideas I am hearing about on the internet not so much on the nightly news or other mainstream media coverage. But Deepak Chopra is offering a live call-in program on Sunday, August 20, 2017 and has many online programs along with his books ( one called You are the Universe, I think.) The new big insight is that We Are All Amazing, Starrific and Important to the World And Galaxy!
This post was going to report that as hard as it is for many to consider ‘everything is connected’, our lives and well-being may depend on tuning into the deeper meanings of what we say, do and persist in than we realize. That is for each of us individually (such as described in detail on Your Life by Bruce Morse from ARE, the Edgar Cayce Institute) and in larger groups, states, countries and yes, galaxies.
The laws of who can make decisions about what, even in their interactions with others, are new territory for most people to consider. The history is such that men (white property owners) Owned Others. That collective mindset stemmed from thousands of years of history in Rome and other parts of Western Civilization. Now we are realizing since the 1980s that people who live together need a clear set of Laws and Guides to help them behave in modern ways which respect one another’s sense of personhood and rights whether woman, child, man or even animal (pets at this point, but all animals are worthy of humane treatment to the extent that is expected in each culture. Hopefully better standards for good care and undue suffering if an animal is being killed for meat or old age would be followed.
For college students or people who are able to make legal decisions about being involved with another person, likely a major education campaign is in order to update everyone with basic standards and guidelines for fairness and legal boundaries if not more ethical and healthy ways of relating. Every person has a body and also a mind, a an emotional body, a spiritual body and social connections and local interactions and places that are all part of a person’s life and meaning. Living history could be a lens to view every person as though not only an actor in a play but as a script writer (whether their direct speech or actions, interactions, or those connected to others on any level from local to global on the internet or in awareness of wider events and causes.) Some say we are getting coaching ‘not only From the stars but from energies–whether beings with form or consciousness or other esoteric means…even a divine or other guiding force or intelligence. These things are up for discussion and yes, debate, but ideally many people can allow for the private domain of dreams, intuition and inne experience that they may have themselves (even if not acknowledged) as well as that in others. The overall idea is that ‘we shall overcome our shortcomings as human beings and benefit from many more evolved beings, spirits, energies whether we knew them on the earth plane in a current or previous life or will do so in one yet to come. Or we may be open to their guidance even if we didn’t know them personally. Think of a friend of a friend. That is what this blog is aiming to do, to allow for some free flowing ideas to help us journey to new thoughts and ideas which in turn could learn to more meaningful connections and actions among people in general.
While we pay an inordinate amount of time to ‘the differences between people and particularly between males and females who may be able to procreate or want to be intimate physically’ (same or opposite genders or not identified, etc) we haven’t really reviewed what constitutes mutual consent. Some people are very confused, maybe most are, due to mixed messages from religion, society, their culture and social circles and the laws that are slower than molasses to catch up with reality and often do not provide full coverage for all citizens. As I cover elsewhere on this blog and which experts Barry Goldstein and Lundy Bancroft speak to along with many experts, women and children are shortchanged in our American society and most places around the world if they are being abused. College students and many in the work place also still suffer a silent kind of discrimination and are at risk for assault of all kinds, most of which no one talks about. That is changing with some national dialogue about the way the military and schools too often were ‘countries within a country’ and handling matters as they saw fit, with a victim often not given support or a means to press charges.
Many men and even plenty of women see a relationship or even occassional physical or sexual encounter as a game that has unclear rules. If she doesn’t say no (or he) and someone does something then that must be ‘okay to have done’. If the person who had not given clear verbal consent without pressure to comply tries to clarify the matter after the fact, not only will the other person (some would say perpetrator of abuse) deny or dismiss the concern, so might others s/he consults to try to validate his or her experience. Then the denial, lies and reverses start to pop over time and from many places. Another post could get into more detail but the picture is not clear for even the abusers.