The headline ‘indicates a crime or two in our US History from the 1940s and now the 2000s’ but you have to spend a few minutes looking at the videos for more details..( I want to note that those who describe the conspiracy theories are one group.Those ‘debunking the conspiracy theories’ are debunkers (and are the basis for some of this New Pearl Harbor discussion which entertains what the debunkers are saying and ‘proves them to be in error or wrong.’ I spoke with someone whose by all accounts a very smart, concerned person. The questions he asks are “Who is presenting evidence and what is it?”
If the evidence is inaccurate, then the person can be deemed incompetent or fraudulent and not worth one’s time. Many such smart people have taken a lot of time to consider what the conspiracy theorists allege–and that may vary– and have felt satisfied with what the Popular Mechanics article and book suggest, that the ‘myths of 9-11 can be debunked or explained away or refuted.’ But the ones presented in this documentary show many important ‘common sense’ and widely reported matters which likely prove the ‘myths of conspiracy’ to be more accurate than many have allowed themselves to believe.
The overall hope to Find Out the Truth and not deal with fraudulent, incompetent or corrupt people (or let them lead our country) likely is in everyone’s best interest. That is true especially if “more may be coming’ and our armed service people and other innocent people around the world have to pay ‘the ultimate price’ of losing their livelihoods, loved ones if not their lives. Some say that the Right is being distracted by racism so government can wheel and deal while they are distracted. Some assert the 9-11 and other such ‘conspiracy theories’ are diverting important energy and political drive from the Left in a similar fashion.
We need to keep the discussion going and help one another ‘find our way out of the dark’ on these issues, since the future, with climate change (such as may be impacting the environmental events in Houston TX and around the country and world) may be upon us ‘in spades’. We don’t want to have to face things without some consideration of the possible scenarios as they unfold.
.The main points are covered in the post below about ‘planes don’t go through buildings’ as is depicted in the mainstream media coverage. A military drone might but not a plane…and the explosion of the buildings floor by floor which in online shows ‘why the buildings collapsed in a pancake floor apparently causing the immediate fall of the next, but the architects and engineers explain in other videos from ‘that’s Not How a steel building collapses. Jet engine burning would not twist steel beams throughout the building or anywhere for the doesn’t burn high or long enough to do so.
These are things most fifth graders would likely mention. I recall seeing the footage only late at night on the actual date of 9-11-01. Maybe I was the only person in the US to not really see or hear much about it in a direct manner. I was having That Bad of a Day myself from the start. Someone close to me was stonewalling me..not talking to me. When I heard rumors that our country could be at war, I asked if they could just ‘take a break in case we needed to collaborate due to this strange set of events whatever they were.’ The response was “no way would I be let off the hook’ for that reason or any reason.
Sadly that all came to mind when I saw footage of Dick Cheney reportedly saying in front of more than one person that ‘Of course the order still stands’ (to Not shoot down a plane that was coming in close range to DC and obviously reached its destination.) There are pat answers given in an ‘Official 9-11 Commission Report” yet much key information is simply Not Included.
Just like key people in the top line of command were “not available for critical periods of time. Also the ‘time lines are all messed up’ in terms of the report and What Actually was happening. Everything from Lack of Evidence of the 19 alleged highjackers being on any cameras in an identifiable and time-stamped way (the norm, but the info is missing on what they use as evidence.)
The list of cover ups starts even with the cell phone calls made from the plane supposedly. Cell phones didn’t work from above 8K feet in 2001. Japanese researchers reinacted the possibility in a similar area with the same type of tower-to-tower coverage (which would have had calls being dropped and that was not the alleged case.) The results showed the lack of coverage.
Only in 2004 could cell phones be used from planes. An ‘air phone’ used supposedly was done from a bathroom, where is wouldn’t have worked. No black boxes (bright orange in color) were found or revealed to the public if actually found (and not clearly identified with its serial number.)
The list of reasons is short for Why the Corruption and Cover-Up…to get the war going against Afghanistan (take Sadam Hussein out and Osama bin Laden). I know someone who was kept very busy chasing the news stories down all over the world. One investigative reporter everyone sees on ABC was shown to interview an person at the FAA who saw a plane coming in very fast (faster than the norm or limit of 400mph at which point a normal plane would experience serious damage.)
The twists and turns made by the planes indicate the skills of someone other than amateurs controlling the flying drones or military planes. The effort to ‘kiss the Pentagon’ just enough to satisfy the requirement for going to war, as an attack on the US, not just a civilian site, is like the kiss of Judas betraying Jesus in my humble estimation…only the direct ’cause’ to sound the war sirens and cause hundreds of thousands of people to die on the other side of the world. All for oil most surmise, and the business opportunities it could generate.
Well, this September 11th, 2001, let’s try to take time to Ponder the Possibilities and Pray we Don’t Get Duped Again. See Steven Greer’s imporant Netflix or youtube documentary and talks on Disclosure and a likely false flag event that will make Pearl Harbor and 9-11 look like the 4th of July fireworks. There will be an alarm raised he predicts to raise billions or more to fight UFOs..manmade ones that will require more of our own technology to take them down.
Somehow many humans ‘in charge’ have missed the whole point of being alive and are clamoring for being ‘the last one standing’.They likely deny the possibility of life beyond the physical realm, or mindfulness, peace and good will. But maybe there’s time, Steven Greer and others assert, to get ourselves tuned in and aligned with forces here and above (yes, maybe Real Aliens and I’d add Angels..and the true leaders of love and decency in the universe) so we can evolve with love and get ourselves out of this swamp once and for all and really try to appreciate the beauty of life on earth With One Another, not alone…we are ‘all one’ and that awareness of our energetic boat we share and collective consciousness, quantum field and other such goodies may be the Key We Need to Unlock our Hearts, Minds and Eyes to our higher selves and sense of team. Who’s game?