“This is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful night. We are going to change the f-n world! Turn the lights on, shine your light for justice…” is the lead of Green Day directing the many thousands (10-20-50?K) packing the park. Very cool concert for a pressing cause–addressing world hunger due to manmade conflict in Africa and around the world.Look up Global Citizen and get involved with their world wide action steps.

“We will make the world great again! Do you feel me?!” The crowd does loud and clear with screams of joy and now waving lights in the darkness with the direction from the lead…to wave your hands up in the air, Brothers and Sisters… .

Check, It, Out. (and replays on youtube,but rather cool to see up close and personal on the Live Stream..by T-Mobile… HugEnergy….”This is not a demonstration or political issue, this is a CELEBRATION!!” he declared with the “I Walk Alone…” song sung with the hardy crowd chiming in. Lots of positive energy, crashing and banging rallying…Thanks for sharing…More hugs to fans of the bands,old and new (and of this blog too…it takes every single everybuddy!)

PS I did my happy dance in the streets at block party…with music playing and kids fun in the street too all on this Special September 24th, 2017!