It doesn’t take too much to Keep the Ball Rolling but getting it going is an art and a skill that’s much needed on many fronts. Thanks for doing this for the area. I welcome comments on and tackle some difficult topics which our country tends to leave in the shadows.
We need to find a New Normal now that most people realize we have likely been told tall tale about many critical recent historical events in our country, or have realized we all need to understand the rights and laws as well as the realities people face when living (or driving, or getting in or out of a relationship and so on…)
Again, the mainstream media and schools do not cover a heap of important issues, and the rules and laws are constantly changing for every age and stage of life (and relationships and those one lives with in a domestic or home setting…)
And Still Silence Prevails in the Media (even after the OJ stories, the more local tragedies in recent years of domestic violence such as the death of a Torrington mother, Wendy Hulme, by her addicted son whom she was trying to get into recovery.
I recall a woman who was trying to help people through an outreach in Canaan about 20 years ago. That woman had shared with me that a woman who had been a school bus driver in her small CT town (not far from NWCT) had ended her own life and that of her two young children. She had been thinking of doing some outreach to her having heard some yelling or report of such (I think that was about right) and she realized the woman lived very close to her…
Those kinds of tragic stories would leave me feeling like we really Needed to understand what people were struggling with and make every effort to assist them in a proper way.
I took the NAMI classes offered in Kent CT along with a dozen people. That is to help people learn to assist others in their circles with mental health challenges. There are programs for the community at large, police or others to gain more insight as well. In rural areas, the networks are needed but often MIA..missing in action.
We were fortunate to have Compass Center in Lakeville CT a few years ago, but the funding got cut, as did much of the Northwest Center for Mental Health.
Independent counselors do their best to serve people along those lines, but anyone getting help has to make contact. Same with victims of abuse..they have to ‘call in and ask for the help'(or a friend may start the process but really the victim needs to find a way to get services to benefit from them.)
Even then, too often critical information is Not Shared directly to Educate Victims and the Community. That is explored on in some posts, but see Barry to get a clue and Begin to comprehend the calamity in the courts (both family–for divorce and custody and maybe that is an ironic name for the court..
“Family” sounds so warm and cozy when it is dealing with parenting orders (agreed upon or imposed or intimidated or otherwise choreographed to Make A Victim Comply…) and NO, there is no recourse for the injustice, wrongdoing, crime, ineptitude, disconnects or ‘manhandling'(By a ton of players) in anything linked to the courts, counseling or thereabouts…in case anyone was considering Wondering Outloud about..which of course, No One Dare.
If anyone want to do some work on a piece called “Dancing on the Court House Steps about Things We Cannot Talk About” PM me… and also see the annual BMCC footage online from national conferences about injustice around the country which some brave souls have held for over a decade and made tracks from Albany to NYC to DC about.
Climate change and larger corrupt practices will get more people’s attention, but it’s all similar in that they are the Monsters in the Room (and in Public) that no one is talking about…and that’s kind of sad in that is leaves Younger People at Great Risk to walk unwittingly into the same kind of traps the middle-aged and older did.
The denial and ignorance have got to slow down and take a break so the younger smarter folks can have the chance they Need to Save the World…sorry but most people who are older may not be around to see the misery in store for our planet in the next few decades as things Heat UP. Everyone needs to have some basic way to pace their energies and Keeping Safe has got to be a given..So No Put-Downs, Threats, Intimidation,
Taking Kids from Nice Moms (and even if some have drug or other mental health issues, those are likely linked to abuse which can clear up more readily if she is protected.) Though most women stay, it is not always a heartfelt choice. Relationships can almost be confusing by nature like trying to talk in a room with other noise and follow through on plans without anything being written down or checked afterwards.
Two people can be like two worlds (or planets or animals, etc). We get inundated by a sliver of Hollywood notions, some Biblical guidelines from 2000 years ago that don’t factor in much of the modern economic realities and overall no reality check on the broken court (and strange faith/church system which is highly influential but again not clearly discussed with modern people…)
Okay, that’s plenty for now, but again, thanks for getting the ball rolling on Any Discussion (online as is safe and appropriate and I realize this kind of post can drive people CraZy…likely because it’s sad but true and hits home more than most want to ponder even for a minute…but Maybe it’s ‘a warning we’d be wise take to pool our wisdom and do some serious Safety Planning..which also is explored –and will be more–on