I agree with this yet have learned we need to look at systemic corruption and ineptitude and work to change that Sooner rather than later..and it’s a tough job for women to do since we like things to be beautified rather than slugging it out in the trenches.
Once someone has to go to the benches of court houses and other mainstream ‘problem-solving’ legal arenas, likely it’s take the garden gloves off and put everything one has to the task of Alerting Other Women (and of course, Caring Guys) to the Malady across the country..
It’s rather dire yet just like fire, denial only works so long, and then one must Run, Call the Fire Dept (and really every such real fire dept Should take a Crash Course in Domestic Violence since too often a woman and even kids end up trapped and unable to get out..
.I heard that from local author (hometown Cornwall) Caroline Paul when she gave a talk on Fighting Fire (her book)..about a decade or more ago.
I also heard of a lovely home a woman and her kids got in a divorce ‘mysteriously burning down’ when she was out with them…it was very likely the begrudging ex-husband, Dad. Not easy to learn about, but worse to be clueless like most people are hoping for NIMBY (not in my backyard or to ones kin, friends, etc.)
The rogue attacks in public are horrible and likely harder to prevent, but if many systems are flushing kids and their protective Moms down the drain, it’s time to call a major Time Out on allowing more young women (and even those into their 30s and up) go into the marital or parental contracts blind.
I know these are tough words, but sadly the world seems Too Busy and Confused to listen to people like Barry Goldstein, Lundy Bancroft and many other experts who have mapped out the problem as well as solutions (such as Safe Child Act.)
Rural Communities fare far worse than those in cities, though it can be ‘bad all over’ when there’s a sleepy community (and even programs designed to help women are too often mandated to only do piecemeal efforts lest they lose Their Funding…)
See more on livfully.org about this and much more the mainstream media refuses to cover, yet Center of Judicial Excellence did highlight some of the problems…all the best to helping the solution arrive in a timely fashion for those ‘next in line…’ Likely more websites about the real and projected costs of living for singles, two or more people sharing a home, rearing infants and youth and so on would help more people plan with a balanced mindset and realistic goals.
Even people ‘with everything’ however can be under great stress or prone to controlling family members or workers etc. There is no sure way to know whose going to proceed in a downward spiral of controlling others and creating difficulty if not harming others. Victims need to be educated and coached to get out of dodge and find protection for themselves And their children.
See the Safe and Together Model (formerly David Mandel and Assoc. and Ending Violence.com) Okay, that’s enough for this late night post..hopefully a new day of better community awareness, more safety checks on all fronts, and no other calamities will arrive as the sun rises