First Responder Classes such as EMT programs are being offered in many communities. Often the people become volunteers or paid responsders. Either way, they could be called AIT (Angels In Training). Thanks to all who pursue these programs and are at the ready to help others. Everyone learning basics like the Heimlich and CPR can be lifesavers.
I learned to save someone from choking at Kellogg School and used it without a thought when I was 20 just before dancing in a play at the Sharon Playhouse. A fellow was choking on a roast beef sandwich. When he didn’t say hi (having met me the day before since he was on the lighting crew..a guy named Allen), I noticed him sitting with food in his car.
I asked him if he was choking and realized he was a bit blue. He nodded and I told him to stand up. It took a few tries (he was taller than I was) and finally the stringy RB came up looking more like a hotdog..I know, kind of gross but So Worth It!!)
When I asked him why he wouldn’t have gone to let people know his dilemma since there was a large group singing their warm-ups at the piano only 50 feet away, he assured me he would have died of never would have done that.
Likely he would have passed out had he not seen me or I had not thought to say hello to him. Okay so that was the highlight of my short time performing at the playhouse..and the show was Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum… true to my experience as was seeing another dancer land a batement by mistake under a fellow’s chin when he happened to walk into her warm-up space on stage. Gotta watch out for those dancin’ girls.
Timing is a huge part of who can save whom…the stories about our kids being safe in one escapade but our son not so much in his final heroic maneuver on earth is recalled in the post below. Kaelan did help a fellow student however when he was sneaking around school after hours without permission with a couple of friends. He was climbing up to the balcony in the auditorium when he realized a girl below was having a serious asthma attack. His friends were ready to leave the girl on her own, but Kaelan told them to “Get Real..since the girl really needed help.”
They were telling him he’d get in more trouble for being after school when he wasn’t supposed to be. But he didn’t think twice about helping that fellow student and was ready to pay his penalty, which came in due course after he got this girl the help she needed. She told me that after his passing, but it made it clear that sometimes we are in the right place even if ‘for the wrong reason…’ Overall trying to plan one’s life and play by the rules is a helpful strategy and Edgar Cayce and the book Why Your Life is the Way It Is offers many inisights and Theories into ‘the grand scheme and way one’s life unfolds’. The Enneagam books and ideas (by Riso and Hudson) also offer that personality traits and patterns can affect a person’s actions which of course can impact the choices and options one has. Food for thought and luxury to consider if one can take a few minutes (okay an hour or two over time at least) to learn more about the underbelly side of How Things Work in Life..from humans to the greater game of life.