Ever wish you could be in two places (or more) at once? Happens to me more days than I’d think sometimes due to hearing about something ‘last minute’ even though I hardly listen to the radio, read newspapers or online articles, or talk to that many people about events in my area in Brooklyn NY. That’s a real change from decades of reading my small town paper, The Lakeville Journal which coverred six towns and the occassional Shopper’s Guide that covered the Berkshires of MA with a calendar of events (plus the Berkshire Co-Op huge bulletin board I’d get to see monthly or so.) I’d keep busy with nice program offerings at local assisted living and nursing homes (the upscale ones, Noble Horizons in Salisbury CT and Geer Village in North Canaan CT) which would also host The Taconic Learning Center. That’s a bil like OLLI (which I should look up here in Brooklyn NY I realize.) But I found it easier to listen to online programs, and I signed up for many more than I’d ever get to whether paying or free. Some are in my archive so I hope to review those Before I go on for more great stuff.
Till then I also check out the Brooklyn Commons and attend an array of nice faith groups in the area as I can do so here and in the tri-corner MA/NY CT area. But I was ready to drop everything and tune into the annual retreat of savvy permaculture teachers and practioners who are meeting early this week to help give the field some more form and likely do more outreach. I welcome people to post their ideas and resources here and trust the right ‘outputs’ (goods, services, resources) will be matched by those needing such “inputs” ( needs for goods, services, resources, and networks..) hopefully with a variety of people and offerings in local areas with ways to barter, negotiate and afford the exchanges and collaborations.
Happy Permaculturing, those who’ve done their 72-hr basic course, taken an interest and pursued some area of PC or related fields (and there are many.) I hope we can all have a copy of Change Here Now by Adam Brock in our state library systems so everyone can have access to that helpful manual on social aspects of PC. Ciao for now and ‘bless the food you eat’ is a tip someone shared to help the energy of the food work well for you (and a shared sentiment around the world..maybe reminding people to Slow Down, wash one’s hands (especially if working with animals or soil or washing frutis and vegetables, even organic ones to remove harmful bacteria or larvae eggs for tapeworm or who knows what..)
I read today that Broccoli (and its spouts or other healthy products made with it) may be helpful to the liver to keep it functioning well. A healthy liver is a life-giver and key to preventing diabetes or reversing it, not that many diabetic educators exist or doctors ready to coach people. Check out One Drop, they do offer a lot of great support for both pre-diabetic and diabetics and likely everyone should be ready to self-monitor and enjoy group support, some for free and others at a monthly fee. Some say paying for something is part of one’s investment and can help one see the commitment through. I find that true with the Social Media Marketing Class I’m taking with Coursera. It’s costing 50/mo to keep the access to the pricey IBM Bluemix for the remainder of my 6 mo. trial (I’m about half way through..so I hope to plan my time better as of Today…
Now that I’ve put That in writing and moved the course online dates up twice…so need to follow through, get over my tech-fears and see what’s next in their program..and discover things with the IBM Bluemix which I’ve been eager to do for a couple of months. One can only fit ‘so much on one’s plate’ and I’d like to get a learning buddy/tutor..maybe from the college next door. Hmmm, community networking to help Me, sounds appealing! Donations always welcome and can be sent to PO Box 1148 Sharon CT 06069 to Catherine Paton c/o that POB. Thanks in advance!
I’ve likely given the homeless a hundred dollars in the past few months, or some in dire need for food or even an Air Tram ticket to get from the A Subway stop to JFK which I told him cost 5 bucks. He didn’t speak English well and was not wanting to take the ten dollars I was offering him, but when I said he’d need to get that ticket he accepted, still only wanting the five. I told him I only had a ten and also made him take some fruit and a brownie someone had given me special…He said I was very kind..I felt that was very necessary and also the PC thing to do… “people care, earth care and resource share.” Happy travels and networking little by little. It’s our world and we each DO make a goOD difference (even if we have DOOs, Differences Of Opinions from time to time…)