Turns out I got to see a short video I was making during this luncheon and surprise, surprise, the Magic Plate Was placed on the table earlier on when my decaf coffee was served..without any of us really taking note of it.
Read the blog post directly and the update which is at the top of it. All of this got me thinking about September 11th, 2001..and how We Were All Convinced What We Were Seeing on National TV (and hearing for days and months afterward) was The Truth. We left our common sense on the couch before turning up the volume and all we saw and heard was taken as gospel truth. FAR Stranger then my happenstance confusion over how a simple luncheon plate may have appeared on our table during our meal is the story we were told repeatedly and in confusing vague ways in The Official Report..and about 3 thousand people died in the Towers (though we really don’t know about the passengers and if they are alive, I hope they are safe and sound…as of course would their family and friends wish for them.That’s why Patriots Question should be on everyone’s radar to consider, yet some people get seriously upset or convinced that is a conspiracy to throw people from working in politics to right current wrongs.
The many tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of lives hurt or lost (including the soldiers fighting to find weapons of mass destruction even when there were clear indications there were none to be found in Iraq…have all been part of difficult part of our collective history.
That we didn’t operate in the light of truth and maybe far from it intentionally is the paradigm we need to Face and Not Repeat…See Steven Greer for some very eye-opening possible explanations that school teachers don’t even know to teach our current student body.
Likely it will be necessary for the students from kindergarten on to Try to Teach the Teachers..and we all know That will be an Uphill Battle! Maybe illiterate or otherwise ‘unsuccessful’ students are actually the bright face of the future in that they are not as invested in staying brainwashed and have some street sense left in them.
Not easy to admit, but until one knows they are in a fishbowl it’s hard to know what fresh air or the bigger lakes are all about…It’s no one person’s fault, the party’s been going on so long and with so many tentacles like a cancer that’s spread to major organs, there seems no easy way out of ‘the real world media’s take on Everything..
and So, we need to being anew with me and you and anyone who might be willing to tune into the idea that we’ve all been hoodwinked (Steven Greer says since about the 1940s by getting itno WW2..which who knows we likely we’re on Both Sides..
Okay, so that might be about the drug companies and manners in which people were done in (who built those death camps and with what designs..and who make profits off of the wars…and who was likely behind allowing the Pearl Harbor Attack..and lots more to Question…)
Again, not likely to get anywhere near the truth in US History Class (and I had AP back in 1980-81.) Using the academic skills now is paying off however..hopefully in time to warn a hundred thousand or so folks which my blog has reached (that is www.livfully.org and yes, I would like to brainstorm with others and find ways to help others get their show on their road…) okay, the new day is here so need to hit the hay and call it a night.