To see coverage on Crisis in the Family Courts Coverage, tune into tonight, Oct. 27th, 2017. Likely it will be on their page afterwards as well, but the interest is growing finally in the media covering something more women and kids should have learned about Decades Ago. It’s not clear to most average citizens what the problems could possibly be that would merit Public Coverage of Private “family Matters’.

Yet when people hear ‘A Husband Killed A Wife” that should indicate the nature of the trouble that can erupt or escalate if a woman says she may want to separate or wants a divorce or is seeking primary or even shared custody. Too often in the thousand cases each year of a mm in the US being killed (some of them pregnant so that’s another risk factor), there isn’t a clear path way for safety and connection with her children…and ‘abuser wants to win all control over her and the children.’

One out of three times, he may actually end his own life as well (along with 200 kids who perish at the hands of a man who should be caring for them.) Likely the only reference to the men should not be ‘husband’ or boyfriend’ but rather biological father or supposed boyfriend. LIkely she was trapped, even if she couldn’t name it or was unaware…There Aren’t Always clear warning signs, but see and for some tips..and BCCC in Albany NY, and more. And mostly Plan for Safety legally best one can Before having kids, living with someone or really getting married’s not easy to know what will be required and what the costs will be to divorce, separate or keep one’s kids if that’s even possible with the corruption and financing for Fathers to have custody or ample visiteration…more later.