Hopefully when more people understand the big picture of what needs doing (and what’s been done to keep us from realizing that…) more people can feel empowered to use their basic skills and interests to improve our communities, states, country and world.
We tend to do ‘too little too late’ and not see the trouble coming. Some basic problems like ‘affordable housing’ and more need to be addressed as well. The new success model is shifting toward one that is living with respect to having larger populations and fewer resources available to the masses. The high cost of living can be challenging and exhausting to keep up with so more ‘back up systems’ for people facing transitions or trying to plan to successfully make their way in the world (as whatever stage of life) should be designed…with everyone weighing in on why that makes sense. Ideally group homes for women, men, other genders, possibly mixed genders and so on could be formed so people could afford a room (or even have roommates like in college dorms if really necessary.) Even then guidelines for having personal space (lockers,etc) would make sense. NYC could be a case study for anyone interested in addressing massive amounts of ‘homelessness’ (which is a term that also needs review, since it really is about not having one’s own house so maybe it could be houseless or substandard housing options…)
Overall, permaculture (which is free to study and many likely have many of the skills and the jist of the ethics of people care, earth care and reource share) and the principles such as described on Turtle Garden Permaculture Game which introduces those (just google and it should come up, a project I did for my class).
The principles overall speak to storing energy in a system (recycling, using natural flow from uphill to down), using natural resources in smart ways (capturing water and using it a few times before returning to nature), designing with nature, people and resources in mind and involved early on, planning from pattern to details (again factoring in one’s location on the planet, one’s larger ecological and social environment, and inputs and outputs of people and other factors involved in a project. Change Here Now by Adam Brock speaks to social permaculture ideas
. Every person deserves a team of support not only as they mature through the first few decades of life but in an ongoing network. Yet we don’t have that as a shared vision so everyone is ‘going through life alone’ and hardly open to getting input in meaningful ways….and often trouble takes them (sure, myself included even with lots of education and good counsel over the years in mostly seemingly trustworthy circles.. We need to Want to Learn More.
I offer a lot on a blog and have written to papers for a couple of decades…and hopefully more people are finding ways to consider ‘the bigger picture’ which would include being ready to help not only their communities but 150 Million Climate refugees (another heads up about permaculture predictions) from loss of coastline land around the world as the oceans rise. If they warm up that’s another major concern which more people could likely benefit from considering
. Meanwhile Steven Greer offers important insights into the other parts of The Very Big Picture that most folks don’t consider possible but may hold the key to our very survival..Disclosure on Netflix and his work on youtube could be worth every employed and unemployed person learning about. We need ongoing unified efforts at educating people well after high school, on a voluntary basis.
Toastmasters Intrnt’l holds out a nice model for more people to appreciate..or TED Talks online, but meeting with actual people even if in faith groups or other open forums would be helpful (with clear guidelines and good screenings..all of which could Create More Jobs.) That’s all for now, I’ll put this on my blog now too. Thanks a bundle