I am not affiliated with any formal organization, but promote many that I find helpful and am happy to share some you may want to promote as well for people’s general resource and support list. On that note, see what the American Diabetes Association says about ways to prevent diabetes or address the condition with diet and lifestyle factors.
CtChapter@alz.org is a helpful resource for families, the public and each state to reference to share information about a difficult problem facing the country and world and growing larger numbers in future years as more people age and face the prospect of having mental challenges of dementia and Alzheimer’s among other physical needs requiring supervision and support.
Taking time now to think ahead five or ten years not only for oneself if 70 or older by even ten years ahead if one is in one’s 60s. Ideally everyone would be getting annual check ups for physical, mental and dental health. Measuring one’s blood pressure as well as one’s blood sugar regularly with some support even from online resources (free or otherwise that fits one’s budget for instance) can be a helpful way to learn with others and promote education in one’s social and community circles.
I have been taking programs online with Dr. Rita Loscalzo (sounds like low cals, so that is a clue in terms of not overeating and learning about the factors that influence hunger and satiety and even thirst. Pacing meals and being aware of how one’s blood sugar is impacted by various foods and can be assisted to not increase with natural supplements (as one checks with one’s doctor about particularly if one is on any medication) can be helpful.
Nothing I share on this blog is to be taken as medical or other therapeutic guidance but rather is a forum where I am sharing what I have learned about and sometimes what I have tried or heard others use. Always do your own ‘due dligence’ and double check refeerences and ideas, natural herbs, food or even any medications one is taking with a few reputable resources and self-advocate, ask questions, check your own blood pressure and blood sugar after getting properly educated and be aware there is a range of advice about when to modify one’s diet or exercise to keep blood sugar in a normal healthy range.
Thanks and there are ties to one’s mental health and risk for dementia related to insulin resistance and therefore diet and exercise and sleep protocol, stress and many other ‘hidden factors.’ Keep an open mind and seek ways to reduce stress, maintain hope and helpful routines socially, emotionally, practically with doing ADLs,(activities of daily living) and mobility and financial and other forms of personal organization, housekeeping and more.
It all adds up and is important so value all that you can do and find support as needed even from time to time whether monthly or more. Best to all and here’s to everyone’s good health in July 2020 and onward!