A weekend with Mama Gena in NYC in her School of Womanly Arts Mastery Intro program sounds inviting to some, not so much for others. There are two weekends to learn about online (and sorry so short notice for the first one which is Dec 2 and 3, 2017 with the next being early in February 2018..) So check it out and for a $35 non-refundable fee, any woman can attend with over a thousand others and discover what this message that many thousands of women (and likely plenty of fellows through the grapevine) have learned over the past two decades… Here’s to everyone’s well-being and finding their tribe and a few close friends (even a few for various aspects of one’s life.)

I also was listening to Linda Moulton Howe and her interview of a pilot who went to Antartica with some scientists who seemed to do a ‘disappearing act’ during their 3 week stay (which was a week short of the plan and unusual since scientists want their time for studies, etc.) The pilot was told many years later that he should not discuss the matter, yet he and Linda feel it’s time for our earth’s human population to be better informed of the evidence and possibility of a few other life forms and ‘game plans’ on the planet. Another point she made is that Elon Musk, of Tesla fame, said there are real risks with the AI, the Artificial Intelligence, advances which can create cyborgs (computerized-enhanced people. Also there are already super-power, bullet-proof exoskeletal suits which can protect people (some of whom can be genetically modified to not have empathy, not respond like human beings and can be more readily trained to be fit and violent/ compliant with ‘carrying out orders..’). Same goes for the new line of  robots or androids..and give them ‘super powers’. Russia’s Putin has shared that ‘super humans’ can be genetically produced…as can an array of other attributes. Human life as we know it may be changing faster than many can comprehend.

The other big secret that Linda Moulton Howe has been trying to share for a few decades is that there are likely alien beings on earth or nearby, some of whom have less than noble goals for our human race. Steven Greer suggests in his own talks however that the aliens want us to evolve and that they could have done away with us in a short period of time long ago. There are more questions than answers, but knowing the jist of the topic could clear up the overall silence and confusion of living the dark about these topics.

In yet a different youtube summary of Edgar Cayce’s predictions for 2018 (from his readings in the 1900s), major earthquakes and such could reshape the West Coast and much of the country as sea levels rise a few feet in coming years (maybe decades but we can’t count on that…) With all these dire predictions I think it’s time to start having statewide (and national of course) commissions think through all the pertinent questions and help people plan accordingly. These could start with helping people get in groups of ten, then those groups get in groups of ten to form a thousand people. Those also could be grouped in the 10s, to make groups of 10,000. This idea is something Edgar Cayce said civilization used to have at one time (maybe it was Atlantis or whichever…but the basic Organizing Principle would go beyond one’s immediate and even extended family unless there were a way to count them in ‘first’, hopefully with people agreeing to behave with the group’s best interest at heart.)

Then the questions would be how to help each group ‘get ready’ for an array of challenges. The Mormon Church and even the JWs, the Jehovah Witnesses and other such groups likely have that figured out to some degreen. Even Scientology offers the idea that ‘anybody can train up to be a volunteer.’

Every state and town could promote basic safety planning for challenging storms (rain, snow, wind, ice, etc and yes, earthquakes.) Having hand-powered flashlights and ham radio operators trained in large numbers would make more people feel secure about checking on people. Getting into the practice of ‘living off the grid’ (even watching the television and online shows) could help people prepare as well. Learning about natural medications and remedies for maintaining health, caring for people-infants, children and elders and others with special needs of any age, even those with mental health or aging issues would make sense. Again, if everyone got a basic training in people care then they may have more practice and compassion if the skills were needed in a crisis or challenge of any kind.

Encouraging people to eat right, exercise, learn to communicate in cooperative ways (with a coach or mediator, using compassionate communication or non-violent communication or other new ideas about helping each person clarify their needs, wants, feelings, beliefs, values, relationship functions and patterns, etc and to have a lot of help (maybe websites) to guide them through daily living with a ‘new helpful friend at the ready…online etc) would be a step in the sensible direction. Then if people needed to get more serious and clear about making a transition, caring for another person, being separated from their loved ones, familiar environment or learning new skills, that could be factored into the offerings. Ideally more people could work to extend their comfort zone and have a friend or two doing so with them to learn in teams.

People who live near each other, on the same road or in the same town could be encouraged to bring their team spirit out into the open as is safe and appropriate. The film about some planes landing in another county during the 9-11-01 crisis shows how welcoming a whole town became to hundreds or more in need of hospitality. So we know that’s possible. It helps to feel ready to welcome guests and for them to pitch in so the work does not pile up too much on any one or few people. Overall, keeping children ‘safe and together’ with their parents, especially their mothers or other trusted caregivers is an guide used in International Law. More details could be thought through for pets and domesticated animals, and even vehichles and meeting basic needs for health. Hopefully groups of people could be ready to assist others so more people can feel they are capable of such on the go living..and surviving.

Taking time to accept that ‘we cannot control everything’ and as mortal beings we will have a time of physical death is one that could be explored through movies and again a website walking people through the kinds of responses many people have upon facing their mortality or that of others. There are ‘steps or phases’ that person dying from illness may predictably go through. The kind of care and emotions that come up for people can vary but again the range is comprehensible. The beliefs about the person(s) dying or in pain can inform the experience of all involved. Finding ways to provide comfort care and pain management is ‘something we can do better’ in our society. Staying present with someone in need and even taking a few days of a vigil with or near the person who has died can be healing on many levels. This kind of ‘death care’ merits people planning in advance, likely months if possible, but even weeks or days. More people are learning to assist in this area called ‘end of life doulas’. With natural disasters, that would merit another kind of widespread response, which may not be clear to most people at this time if there even is such a supportive force of people.

For now that is a lot to consider, so back to becoming empowered and connected with other people. In the Great Barrington MA group, about 500 women have taken a short program (8 weekly sessions of 2-3 hours each)  to explore their way of being in the world and in community. Then being able to keep in touch with other ‘sisters’ who join the program allows for a cultural vibe of welcoming and caring for one another. Of course, it would be dandy if men would have such a group and likely the fire departments and ambulance crews have had a bit of that effect, as would any group meeting over time if they can get to know each other a bit better. Many faith groups have ways to have ‘small church groups, whether in homes or visiting outside of the normal Sunday times.’ Meetup.com has many ways for people to connect whether short-term or longer, maybe more could be designed to cover these basis. The offerings for Non-Violent Communication can be shared in widespread ways (with many talks online, study groups and more. See what Alan Seid offers at CascadiaWorkshops.com too) Okay all the best and now a time for rest before December 2017 arrives…May all be safe healthy and content through the coming years..come what may.