to brighten one’s day and year, think Nature and the wonders thereof and of being with nice folks making discoveries… with a happy tune in mind, maybe make up a song to go with… We had the joy of doing lots at such places, including the Sharon Audubon Center in Sharon CT. With 40 Annual Nature Festivals that’s a lot of outreach and networking, our family was there for about 20 of them and yet they are not a given anymore. Maybe some other non-profits and schools could join together and invite the many volunteers back to provide a wonderful experience.

Get camps and groups to sign up in advance to help meet costs. Often businesses will underwrite such things and overall, permaculture can be promoted in any venue. See the book Change Here Now. There’s a new report in NYC 350pp deep summarizing ideas to improve things I heard on WNYC tonight. Their big hope is to redo the subway system, and connect the main rail systems.

There’d be a big price tag but getting away from the limits the MTA is under (and the politics…) would be a big step to improving things. The small ideas gotta start somewhere and nature is a rich resource. Thanks for sharing and caring and ‘taking it easy and going with nature in small scale ways’ this holiday season and throughout the years…Enjoy and Relax! I’ll aim to do the same. And please if someone’s looking dicey or in a mode of non-cooperation, try to give them space. Play it cool..and let it roll…