Flying Dragon of the Divine by Qi Feilong is an amazing set of stories about the real experiences of world renowned qigong Master Qi Feilong (whose Shaolin name is Shi Delong.)  With decades of experiences around the world it’s hard to believe we haven’t heard of him on the mainstream media. Maybe there has been coverage and we weren’t ready to hear about it. One of his pamphlets shares that he gave a talk as an invited guest to Harvard medical students on alternative healing modalities. Basically every doctor in America and the modern world needs to inform people that they offer a certain kind of treatment and assessment whereas other practitioners have offered an array of other modaliites for centuries which could help prevent illnesses or even harmful life events from unfolding for the most part. Our modern world is full of whiz bang improvements for health and enjoying life. Yet with the main indulgence in alcohol, too much stress and sleep deprivation and eating poor quality foods or unhealthy ones, we make our lives an uphill battle. If we are clueless or inundated with denial or teachings to trust those in charge in society, in faith circles such as churches and congregations without any checks and balances on their leadership or teachings, again we are likely taking the long road to learning about our human condition.

When hearing a smidgeon of what Qi Feilong studied in terms of healing modalities and mastering many forms of working with qi (chi, or energy in the human body) we all could sit back and realize ‘we may have missed out on amazing insights’ for ourselves and others, our communities and overall life experiences. Like running with heavy boots and coats in a dark forest instead of in great sneakers and running clothes on a smooth road, we have been exhausting ourselves by limiting our life experiences to our physical form without considering The Energy That is Flowing Through It (not only whether awake, asleep or exersing and breathing, but the whole sense of energy in our human form that is connected to that of the world around us..the earth, the stars, the life force of each organ and the energy of the plants and nutrients of our food.) The way we live, breathe, think, relate and eat and exercise do have an impact on our health. We tend to wait in our culture until we are run down or damaged goods before getting to a medical doctor for help, and generally speaking they are only credentialed to talk in terms of pharmaceuticals for solutions, not overall diet and lifestyle and pretty much nothing about beliefs and life-work-relationship insights and balance. Even when there are serious conditions, cancer, diabetes, obesity and such, the go-to solution is not about checking with alternative practitioners to gain insights.

Basic steps for tuning into one’s body and energy may include simply placing one’s hands on various parts of one’s body or near one’s body without touching it. The Reconnection offers online information about a new type of ‘light and information’ which can enhance a person’s self-awareness and life experience and yes, health in many cases. There is informaton online that offers it is the only modality needed. And it’s not a form one needs to practice regularly or in special circumstances other than quiet.

What Master Qi offers is much more direct from his experiences and trainings to assist a person’s improvement in having many matters addressed. His initial consults run about 100 dollars and then a number of sessions for a larger fee may be prescribed which he determines after meeting with the person and assessing them. If toxic metals need removal the process may involve an application of foil to the belly or other region that he has a small amount of water on (which one may be asked to apply themself). Then he may chant and direct his energy to the foil. That may get fairly hot and cause small holes to burn through the foil as the material is released through the skin.

I do not know much more other than a heated massage table with a mechanical rolling device up and down the spine (with clothes on) may be used for 10 minutes or so if he feels that is helpful. An overall assessments of one’s life force path and level of energy may be given. Guiding words may be inquired about or shared to help one gain insight into a code for one’s life.

While some healers say ‘almost nothing is needed’ or ‘everything works if you believe it’, having a clue about energy healing or balancing could offer more people hope and encouragement to live their lives more fully. Take a deeper breath, let the energy flow, connect with kind reasonable people.

Meanwhile other healers online such as can introduce people to these ideas in simple ways. If you are thinking of doing any of these kinds of practices it helps to have a few others you can talk to about it, so finding trustworthy people to be on your journey may be a helpful first step. Checking with your medical doctor also makes sense to be aware of your health in terms of blood pressure, blood sugar and other basic readings.

Something like a sweat lodge may put strain on your blood pressure or cause someone anxiety, so always know of an exit strategy and ideally get to know people well beforehand rather than jump into something unprepared. Easier said than done. Women or others sometimes groomed by a culture to be compliant and trusting can be taken advantage of by family, friends, professionals and so on.

Kids are even moreso beholden to fit in or comply due to veiled threats, so learning to trust one’s own feelings, have a support team to double check with phone calls, emails and being part of any meetings or visits (even to a massage parlour with a good reputation for instance) would make sense. Many massage modalities can be done with full or partial clothing so check what options there are and request a practioner of the gender and age etc that one feels comfortable with as well.

Overall in faith and healing circles, if praying for help from Jesus or other divine or master healer, take time to reflect with others in small group gatherings on a regular basis about the practical real-world factors and laws one may need to know about. Speaking directly to people one is in conflict with may be a guideline (since that was part of the early church practice) however modern times may indicate that is too risky for all involved and their circles of people. Ideally have two advocates discuss things with a third party, having many things in writing to keep track of schedules and ongoing guidelines for a set of relationships, household duties and a process to follow would make sense.) Some factors may need to be clarified and reinforced to have the compliance and success all intend.

Even keeping track of keys, kids, cars and cards (for travelling, having a license or ID on one, insurance or credit cards) could all be codified with a Basic User System more people could try and use if other ways become confusing. A place for everything to live and be readily found makes sense and is another level of awareness that more people may need coaching in. When things don’t get moved to new places or taken out of their ‘designated bags, boxes or bins’ then they can be found more easily when needed or transported with ease if need be.

Being aware of how much personal space physically, verbally and otherwise each person desires makes sense and may take a while to figure out. Allowing people independence and interacting primarily only when someone asks for help is a growing trend. In a hurry someone may appreciate an extra hand, a door opened and so on, but if not, another thought to consider sometimes is ‘just too much of a distraction.’ Not an easy call to make but overall, can be helpful to try out if that’s a source of concern for someone.

When people are getting on in years, they may need more assistance than they feel they need or want, Yet for safety and well-being (eating meals regularly, getting normal sleep and to basic appointments) some oversight likely is important. Watching one’s salt levels in terms of not drinking too much water without balancing the salts and minerals is another concern more people, especially the elderly or those who exercise a lot, could pay attention to so as to avoid ‘low sodium levels’. That condition may present as being confused or getting upset, not sleeping well and other factors worth looking up to prevent a calamity, especially if one is on a low-sodium diet, taking blood pressure medications and so on.

The quality of one’s blood is worth learning more about from a medical and alternative healing stand point. One’s pulses also can be checked by a Chinese medicine person and so on. One step at a time with an attitude of gratitude, a time of giving thanks upon waking and going off to sleep, intentions for kind and positive things to unfold for one and others nearby and farther away can all be bits of good medicine. The placebo effect has been found to be a plus too for hopes for health but also for worries, so be mindful of what one expects and believes. See Geozuwa for ideas about hypnosis and more. He is offering a two-day workshop in early January 2018. Pick one or two things to seek to improve monthly and chart your progress. Happy next season of the year and of your beYoutofull life!