Seeing a lovely ad of a kind looking female caregiver with an elderly woman in her ad offering private duty companionship with some details of her experience and abilities to connect with people was inspiring on a small town facebook page. I put the following in the comments,and hope it’s not too dismal, but worse than the reality that everyone’s mortal journey will come to an end physically is not having support or as smooth of a transition with a basic game plan one had some input into beforehand (even years earlier but likely there’d be some time to plan as one’s body weakened if ill or very aged.)
Having some input is a way to let others know one is ‘still in the driver’s seat and can give one a sense of control’ even when the ultimate turn of events will result in letting go of one’s earthly, physical possessions, relationships and life.
I explore in other posts how many believe and share online if not in books and sessions the worldwide idea that ‘a new kind of living begins spiritually’ and ‘all is not lost.’ See Mark Anthony on line (a medium) who wrote Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go (of the love and sense of connection with a loved one whose died.)
More people are becoming aware of the importance of providing care earlier on for people who are compromised in their ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). In addition many are hearing about “End Of Life Doulas” (EOLDs) who can help anyone make plans for ‘just in case’ scenarios of needing help when an accident or illness sets in.
This line of care-giving can help more families plan to care for their loved ones, make important decisions as the person may have had time to clarify when well (about using extreme measures for life support for instance or for allowing organ donation if one is passing.
There is more to know than most take time to consider and having time over many months if not years to clarify and review one’s ‘end of life’ plans is a sensible and caring thing to do not only for others but for oneself. See more on and other online programs or with local agencies or people who offer insights (some for free, others for a fee.)
I took the training with the and can help people with basic plans. There are more options about one’s final days, supplementing hospice, having a vigil at home after one’s passing and plans for ‘green burials’.
There are many people working on this around the country, including with the national hospice leaders to encourage people to have support with making important decisions, having medical papers on file with one’s doctor (MOLST, Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) as well as a document such as The Five Wishes (and perhaps a summary of the main points for easy referencing.)
As difficult a topic as illness, injury, dying or funeral services are for many in the past, more ideas online and in social circles are being shared (such as Death Cafe programs which help people speak about the possibilities, concerns, or experiences they have had with people in their lives or communities passing.)
Taking time to plan for good care for oneself or others who may be in need (and not have people nearby to help them) is actually a priority kind of Activity of Living Safely and Reasonably. I share many ideas for our times to facilitate conversations about modern times and even reviewing past events with more insight on
All the best to everyone finding ways to appreciate the opportunities in their community and ways to network in meaningful ways to help others feel more aware, supported and included at all ages and stages of life including ‘the end zone’ which many traditions hold is but a new beginning in a spiritual realm.
But I’ll leave that for the blog for now. HugEnergy to one and all at this time of the winter solstice, many holidays and the new year of 2018. Each town is a tribe unto itself yet part of the regional area (even the MA/NY CT area) which holds an array of talent, history, and creative, caring efforts and people that benefit many near and far. Thanks for keeping the towns running smoothly for the present and future generations.