As challenging as the ‘false alarm missile announcements’ have been in the United States and Japan (by someone pressing the wrong button and confirming their choice at least in the US, as I learned from a recent Earth Files talk by Linda Moulton Howe, ) I am hearing important ideas from Steven Greer, Gregg Braden (from the Shift Network) who his offering a program called Human By Divine. An open mind is helpful to have when considering Whether one will listen to the work they’ve pursued for decades. We all have more connections and positive ways of living than we have previously understood.
We are a bridge, Gregg Braden shares, and even Steven Greer. It’s time to wake up and share the journey. Lots of positive people and solutions could help us keep our earth ship boat afloat.. “Evolution by choice not be chance…” is an idea just shared. Gregg Braden is offering a nice online program…for a few hundred dollars. Ideally a few people in each state could take it and then speak it up regularly to their state… I am learning lots on The Collective with Patty Lennon.I am checking out a free program also from Deepak Chopra about Healthy Aging (with Ayurvedic insights.)
See How to harmonize your heart and brain, how to work with gamma state, how to connect with others, how to be more empowered…yee-ha..I’ll see what I might muster. If I had sponsors that’d be a great help. ‘Til then, hope more colleges can tune in and let a bunch of students take it and share it with others as is legitimate.. Gregg Braden shares that we modern humans are only 200 thousand years old..and the differences in our DNA that make us distinct seem ‘intentional.’ Now we know ‘there is a field that connects everything…’ The human genome project…100K proteins were predicted to match each gene..but we only have a small number of genes. Those genes (epigenetics) can be shaped by our input, our in-formation (Chopra’s words). We are starting to pay attention to what we feel, think and do (eat, sleep, do, relate to, work, play and pray plus lots more.)
Also check out Jenn McLean, The Shift Network, You Wealth Revolution and Beyond the Ordinary (with John Burgos). I just heard the talk by Adena Tryon who wrote a best seller, Stella Maris Speaks: Dolphin Wisdmo for a New World. There’s even a chance to swim with the wild dolphins in Bermuda…with her and others who’ve swum with wild dolphins for over 15 years. I get excited just hearing that… how cool is that.