Here is my response to our friend and public personality in our small towns of CT who posted that as one commenter shared, #CancerSucks.That is shared in the spirit of digging deep into the miserable reality of anyone hearing the news, getting treatments that have their own side effects and impact, and then sadly for those succumbing to the illness which can seem merciless.

We could share in memory of those who died from it, and likely we could all come up with a list of our top ten people, and another ten and even more if we were in support groups or at events such as Relay For Life to raise funds for cancer research and maybe support for people.

Special funds like The Jane Lloyd Fund in Salisbury CT galvinize a dedicated spirited group of people in the hundreds every year to enjoy a clam bake and such on a scenic hill, Selleck Hill, just behind LaBonne’s on Main Street, before the lovely stone Scoville Memorial Library (which was recently renovated with high acclaim.)

But back to the idea of ‘whose had cancer, whose died from it, whose family and friends have suffered the journey and had their life paths shaped by that challenge…’

If it’s not cancer but another illness or struggle, the numbers grow exponentially. The tale of someone wishing there were no death and being granted a wish for a cure-all if they could find one household of people who had not known death ends up realizing that death goes hand and hand with life.

But the growing number of cases, the gazillions spent on research and ‘treatments’ have left our society newly defined as ‘cancer survivors’ or otherwise bargaining for our health when we thought early mortality was something that died out  with the Viet Nam War in the 1960s…or a long time ago.

But it just isn’t so and maybe we are not asking Enough Questions in Forums not only online but in more public circles..on Facebook where people can weigh in, and on blogs like this one where people can Keep Exploring the Philosophical and Spiritual Implications about our Mortality, Life Journeys and Shared Connections, and Our Spirituality while alive and after mortal passing away..or death.

Likely it’s time to look up the definition of death, since there are a few key ones we all really should know (our lives, life support or organ donation choices or decisions by others based on our wishes or possibly their own beliefs or professional opinions may all come into play at each stage of a decline.)

There is ‘brain dead’ meaning the brain has no activity but the heart is still beating. Then there is brain and heart not functioning which is dead (or Dead dead.) I will get more technical in another post (and likely have but will try to number or otherwise put a table of contents together to help clarify topics covered.)

The overall point is that if someone is an organ donor, that can happen when a person is ‘brain dead’ but the heart is still beating. If the heart stops, the organs likely need to be ‘harvested’ within a few minutes to be useable. That delicate topic is explored on another post as well. This post is mainly to share what I put on Facebook and hope it helps others explore these topics before they are needed.

Thanks for all you do to take good care of yourself on many levels (from living a life that works for you and others in a balanced way or at least with some mini breaks for centering one’s mind and breathe, being grateful and feeling valued and doing your basic ADLs, Activities of Daily Living in a way you could summarize with some pride and even pizzazz.

Life is what you make it in part, and the struggle part could be shared ideally with a team to lighten your load (whether housework, rides, support on any level from childcare to work or socializing, counseling and so on.)

Every person generally could Prevent some illness and decline by having a buddy or two to check in with, not have to feel indebted to but more of friendship network. I think that’s half the success of the Toastmasters Program.(Do Check one out online even or see TED Talks..see I’m reminding myself to do both of those things by jotting that down.)

Likely we could replicate that with a friendly support group for any age  or stage of life, issue or illness and see everyone evolve with love along the way. Thanks for chiming in as you can on this blog or online or when with others even with a friendly hello or look.

We are all connected says Gregg Braden and many other thinkers and can be on each other’s team of support. That’s half the battle right there. With sincere hopes for breakthroughs and healings on many levels and good memories and even connections with others who have crossed over (as that  may be possible and work for anyone in a positive way whether in dreams, signs, ideas, songs, wonders, help or bright ideas and more.) We are one big ‘inseparable’ family of friends and can aspire to live that way..and yes, even die that way when any or out times come…

Thanks for sharing and doing outreach on so many levels and being your wonderful self the whole is our wealth yet we are all on a ‘one way trip’ and the challenges may be for some ‘greater reason’ that eludes us in terms of how it could add up to something ‘more important or meaningful than enjoying the good side of our humanity.’
I explore lots along these lines on Hope you and yours find the silver linings and moreover feel the greater love flowing your way. In terms of alternative ideas, I’m sure you’ve heard of The Truth About Cancer..and it’s hard to know ‘who to believe’. Who doesn’t love to hear of a miracle cure however it happened or those crazy herbs and mushrooms that can get the cancer cells to turn off or otherwise chill or decompose.
I was hearing a talk online about Hexo Cerate and Muricata, Coptic Salts and Erinaceous Mushrooms that can address a few of the main illnesses in our society. I hope the group gains ground if its onto something. Dr. Susan White from a Health Alliance non-profit I think was talking.Then there’s the ideas from Dr. Sarno’s books which explore How we handle ‘pain’ and what emotional or other root causes Could be connected.
Dr. Weiss, Many Masters, Many Lives… asserts with many others that ‘it could be linked to a previous lifetime.’ I know it took me years to consider That possibility for any aspect of my life, but it was very helpful to point me in a more accepting, curious direction about why things would be happening in my life or close circles.
Other new thinkers I enjoy hearing such as on You Wealth Revolution say ‘help is on its way’ for all of us to evolve with love..and that may be coming from other parts of our solar system or other beings we were connected with somehow.
It sounds like the friendlier side of Love G-d and Thy Neighbor (and yes there’s a growing idea that there’s a little bit of G-d in all of us, a spark of the big bang energy and intelligence that permeates the universe , not just us on again, more to consider and glean hope about.
Mainly that we do not ‘cease to exist’ spiritually versus that being the case for a while or forever. Of course, existing forever sounds a bit daunting too…so being more at peace with any of those options and not worrying Too Much about ‘how we get there…’ could be worth meditating on or exploring with others over time.
On another note offers a free program to help more people ‘draw closer’ when someone is in a difficult phase of life and help us all realize the importance of pondering our mortality and ‘what if’ scenarios with a team of support, including The Five Wishes or other state documentation for Health Proxies or Life Sustaining Measures (a MOLST, An Advance Directive and more…) so we can have a plan that works for the person in need (whether our own self or family member or a person we care for…). It’s considered a final gift but again is a legally and medically important set of plans to Clarify and Document…
I have taken the trainings and can assist people whether giving some online or phone consults or more personal discussions.I can be reached at It’s helpful to have a few talks and write some questions and ideas downs to help keep track of matters.
There are forms for each state or others. Everyone ‘getting more comfortable with the topic and taking time around the 15th of the month could help people work through things in a more comprehensive manner. As an EOLD, End of Life Doula, no training is required but of course it helps to appreciate the scope of the matters and have some experience with the matters at hand in terms of caring for people or working in a consultant capacity.
It is a growing field and one that can bridge critical gaps for all parties, so hopefully more people will brave the terrain and not feel overwhelmed of not qualified to learn and care about these important aspects of life, illness, decision-making on many matters.