We all need to be prepared to Think About What We Will Say On Camera…that’s one point that Perhaps is of importance for more people to realize As An Option. Then the other Biggie is to Not Say Something On Camera which Can or Will Be Used Against You in a Court of Law or however…I believe in Informed Consent with One’s Attorney Present at this point in our society..( I have a link to the video of a few lawmakers being interviewed on the fly on my FB page Catherine Paton and will post here if I can. It’s on www.nowthisnews.com from Feb 5th, 2018)
.Of course, I would like these folks to Offer Some Concrete Responses ‘at the Appropriate Time’ of their choosing, ideally within a day or a week of such poignant questions. The other point made by this video is that these people accepted money from the NRA, The National Rifle Association.
Another point is that ‘the funerals of the children and adult victims would be paid for.” I have been to talks where families were not always supported in this manner.
I think we need a funeral policy for all who need it, particularly victims of violence or even accidental death when trying to help someone (as happened to our teen son, Kaelan Palmer Paton.) But really Everyone Deserves More Dignity and Support when a loved one passes, and yes, including the one who died.
Thankfully there is new outreach for those in decline, through www.doulagivers.com and other online and local outreaches.
State by state there could be a committee coming up with recommendations for anyone facing a sudden challenge such as a death and even other difficult news such as a serious injury or even illness.
Practical teams of support could be put in place to help the victim/client(s) with the condition or who passed as well as their family or support team.
That would be important for people who may be away from home (accidents, on vacation, etc) for practical reasons and to give the family at home some reassurance that care was given to their loved one.
That could include holding a prayer vigil for the person (so having a group of people who could network with others of various faiths and cultures would make sense.)
Other important points to consider about the ‘gun and protection’ debate is to realize the damage one person can do to a larger group. What if there are AI, Artificial Intelligent Robots or Drones used to administer chemical or gunfire?
We need to wake up to the psychology that ‘it’s only people’ who are making these decisions individually or apparently as lone actors as a way to deny that the government or other groups could proceed with other concerted efforts. The PR such as after 9-11 should be revisited so more people do not feel completely caught off guard by possible ‘star wars’ or secret missions.
The youtube talks by Steven Greer and others highlight the importance of countries learning at this time ‘what’s what’ and What Might Be Coming Next…Let’s hope we can also explore the spiritual ‘realities’ that our energy is immortal and the implications of that. We get very attached to our human forms and connections.
Finding ways to ‘lean into’ an even more connected network of our abilities here and ‘beyond’ could be comforting and also ‘deactivate’ the need for anyone to feel they have a right or anything to really gain by harming others. We may have to ‘meditate’ or otherwise become kind to get ourselves ‘out of this mess’.. Evolve with love and think of our world from a higher love… Okay that’s the jist of what I share on www.livfully.org Thanks to a gal who ‘gets the messages out’ and gets us thinking who shared this post.