Just in case you are interested in what the The Chinese New Year has to do with the new moon that is in Aquarius, the AstroTwins have a few insights. I heard of the post from a group I paid money to be in, but thankfully  this site is free www.MindBodyGreen.com Google the article  titled 8 Ways to Tap Into the Collective Energy of Today’s Aquarius New Moon.

Hope this is helpful even if its a bit past the February 15th, 2018 new moon which is also when The Chinese New Year occurred (if I read the article correctly.) They recommended setting up red lanterns and while I didn’t do that I did find myself drawn (I thought only by chance) to wearing a bright red tee shirt for a couple of days. Now I’m onto a bright pinkish orange…kind of happy and energizing I find.

Sitting outdoors I took in the quiet of the countryside yet was graced by a red tail hawk flying above me from over a moutain to some tall white pines. Pines are a sign of peace for the Natives with their branches going out equally in all directions.

They also evoke the symbol of spokes on a wheel..which echoes of the wheel of life.

All this on a pleasant day with unseasonably warm temps makiing CT feel more like Florida..a vacation type day that soothes the soul and inspires the mind with thoughts of spring and renewal.

Walking outdoors by open fields near a road I thought my bright orange-ish sweatshirt was a good safety color. I did notice some people were not that impressed and were not giving me or my friend who joined me along the way much leeway however.

I opted for walking a few feet off the road while she braved using the designated space beyond the white line and the edge of the road.

Unfortunately it’s a ‘proceed defensively’ zone even though while walkers and bicyclists legally have a right to walk or ride on the road (in the lane if a biker, but I hardly would recommend that on our country roads unless one can peddle and keep a good view of what’s coming behind one..)

That said I got to meet some interesting people in our rather quiet street. Someone visiting from another country and a second fellow who walks miles each day. The first was closely related to someone in the area and happened to look like them enough that is was a ‘deja vu’ moment..but the riddle was quickly solved.

When introducing her initially to someone else, the person quickly said, “Oh yes, I know her…” but then with a little more conversation realized ‘oh she’s Not the person I thought it was.” She could wear a shirt that reads, “Gotcha!” It actually was an identical twin who basically had a similar style and such.

For me, I have a lot of relatives who people readily can tell I must be related to since we’ve been in the area for over 50 years. There are also people who look alike from the back, by their voice and so on.. and generally speaking it may be good to doublecheck before a conversation or set of awkward moments come to pass to ask, “What is your name?” In my instance, I saw the woman I thought I knew (her twin) with an older woman (her mom) who I’d never met.

They were not greeting me as though they knew me and I thought maybe they wanted to have a private walk. But since I was going in their direction I figured I would brave saying hello and yet started to ask if she was who I thought she was. With a changing hair style and such I had mistaken her before.

But thankfully they picked up my question with the answer that “No, but we are related…” That got me off the hook. And then we could fill in some of the mystery. That was all due to me finally deciding to get out and enjoy this lovely day at close to 3pm. Had I waited another half hour I would have missed them and my other pal when I got ambitious on a walk (going all of a mile total but that’s a lot for this puppy.)

We have a friend who passed recently and I said having shared a short walk by chance was a nice wink from heaven it seemed. She said she’d been thinking of him and I was intentionally trying to remember his spirit for the three days after his passing. That is something I have heard can be helpful and will try to encourage others to explore ways to ‘feel supportive and connected’ to the person’s spirit as it journeys to the next realm.

These are delicate ethereal topics that can be explored by a greater sense of allowing and caring rather than having to figure things out. Overall the kinds of personal care that many share in the way of calls, visits, bringing food, offering help with household tasks or errands can all add up to being there in meaingful ways during someone’s final days or time of passing and beyond. Those kinds of caring friendly efforts can make the transition to a life without the person in their home and actual life more comprehensible.

Finding ways to cushion any transition when someone has special needs or a relationship is changing even voluntarily can be an art and an ongoing kind of work not only for the people directly involved but also those around them.

Pacing one’s efforts at helping others and practiciing good self-care is likely something teachers, counselors, ministers, medical people, caregivers and others could use more support on and likely could share more readily about through online groups or calls. Likely this site www.MindBodyGreen.com will have a few more good tips and then some. Happy Tending To Your Garden of Self, Loved Ones and Others You Care About at Various Ages and Stages of Life and Beyond…