Dear Fellow Folks on Plan-It Heart (why not consider that many living beings with hearts as a moving creative force on our planet..and together we make the world go round,)
Many say with our hearts, minds, visions, connections with those from the past and those who have journeyed on, other loving guides and the divine…or the greater good if that suits someone’s palette better and with consideration for our shared unfolding future and the newcomers joining our ranks here in the physical realm whether they make it to their first breath or not sometimes their reality is part of their overall experience–some would say spiritually as well as physically– and reflects the emotions and concerns or options not only of the birth mother or parents but also of all involved and their circles of support and community and the wider society, so clearly part of the team players of discovery about our human experience.)
With that rather inclusive introduction and even inviting in the mother earth elements of natural resources (some have heard of living water and how important healthy water, soils, light and air are to our very existence and the growth of plants and life experience as well as the idea of a spiritual or other healing frequency by the way such as Jesus offered as being a kind of “living water”) let’s consider pulling together at this time on our planet and human journey.
How Might we Include others in our prayers and positive thinking for improvement locally and globally. We may not all be able to interact online, or even in general in society or in person but energetically we can still acknowledge our interdependence, our hope that people will voluntarily practice good self-care and respect for others.
The laws work because most people by far are not breaking them (at least not the biggies like hurting or doing others in or even speeding or being reckless.) Yet there is room for improvement there with few societal resources earmarked to tend to bringing more people into balance.
There are many reasons to Think Team and even return a gesture or action of disrespect with one of forgiveness and respect (though not necessarily tit for tat in a direct manner… but rather through a sense of playing a bigger game, taking on the high road and finding support to examine one’s own feelings, beliefs and consider if something is being mirrored or revealed for one’s higher understanding of the human existence.)
Many realize that ‘hurting people hurt people’ whereas helpful people help people. It may be that someone is feeling defensive or ashamed for reasons they really do not understand, whether from their past, other factors and stress, dreams and processing problems or chemical uses. As much as it is nice to get to know others or even oneself, the more real people can get…and that may include difficult histories, opposing views on key topics or behaviors, even different diets and habits that become irritating rather than an easy way to co-exist whether in a shared household or other social situation.
Falling into cliques and working to maintain boundaries can be a full time job in school groups or even among adults. No matter how much talk about the deficits of bullying, it can seem ‘natural’ to pick and choose and either intentionally or by default, leave people out, scapegoat in terms of blaming one or more people, a class, or others whether as rivals or competition in sports or acting or social friendships. All of these topics pop up for discussion more often in the media sadly because of conflicts and aggression or as links to poor learning habits or drug use.
The downward spirals are well worn paths that seem to become traditions or expectations. We are hearing more of upward spirals of networking so no one need feel unduly boxed in by the ‘others’ in their circles or areas whether in real life or online. This trend is fairly new however so may take some time to catch up and balance out the other.
Maybe people overall get bored enough that there is somewhat of an inherent need for humans to pick on themselves and/or others to balance out complimenting oneself (or maybe different people than one criticizes.)
With All of that to consider, why not think on ways to be Intentionally Nice and make that the New Cool “IN” Crowd. How’s it feel to be a part of that.. Consider trying out Toastmasters public speaking clubs to get the hang of that in a group..most are friendly and welcoming.Another idea for the day is to not only be BeYouToFull but also to BeYouToEmpty. Think yin/yang, balance, receiving and giving, gathering and letting go… enjoy!