Hello Big Earth World (and Anyone Else Listening or Reading in the Universe),

Just learning about NGC 3344 only 20 million light years away and its many wonders…view from the Hubble Telescope which shows its full spiral form around a center. Basically I have a lot more to learn but wanted to share the news as I was hearing it online.

Happy googling more info and considering the bigger picture in your dreams…’All things are connected’ many say and likely quantum science is proving. Things that happen on earth may affect other realms In The Universe. How Far Out is that?! Okay, feeling humble and content now as April 2018 starts off in special ways…How ’bout you? Take Care and Keep Dreamin’ Good Dreams…Livfully, Cath

PS As a bonus see New images which show a spectacular ring of gas surrounding the isolated neutron star in a star system known as 1E 0102.2-7219  (only 200,000 light years away ) in the Small Magellanic Cloud. See more in Newsweek Magazine online. There’s lots to learn even about the basics, but maybe a kid can fill you in!