Submitted by livfully, Catherine Palmer Paton CT USA
on Fri, 05/30/2014 – 15:59

On May 28th,  2014–the day of the passing or our great Amerian poet and citizen Maya Angelo at age 86–I heard a 1986 clip of  an interview on . I realized that there was some poetry in the timing of  Maya Angelou being called home by an angel in May.

She had come full circle and was reiterating we May speak, we May dream, we May move on when its time to go…and she lived fully, like a human angel with imperfections and struggles and  then a life journey that paved the way for others to accept that healing and forgiveness could allow one’s soul to move toward the more beautiful aspects of being human with friends and ways of living that honor the spirit.

Share your reflections as you can on the transition of letting someone go, seeing one leg of a journey end and another begin (not always without some confusion or the need for many seasons to pass). Consider the founding legend of the Iriquois Nation which adopted new ways of sharing power and communicating, choosing Thinking over Killing and Working together for Peace, understanding the need and strength in numbers and the greater good having needs met.

More inspiring ideas on this with the Pachamama Puppet Players from Columbia County NY who perform 5/31/14 in Stockbridge MA (A key Native American area) and in Philmont NY at 8pm soon after. We can feel the energy of healing and teaching of the fourteen amazing performances presented not only to our area but uniquely also to our nation..and no there is not a video of it (yet, maybe someone can help get that going and honor the effort and help it could give to many who are trapped without visions or understanding of history and herstory and ourstory as people and countries facing our greatest challenges to date.)

I became transfixed in their outdoor evening ‘larger than life’ puppet and shadow box presentation and rendering of the moving story of the Iriquois which included a reformed warrior (who had stooped to cannibalism after many despairing losses so let not that image be lost on peopel who are trapped with the Feeling of Loss and the Thinking of  How Unfair Others and the Systems are ) Hiawatha, a peace maker and a wise woman joining together to help the five Native tribes sign onto the alliance for peace and the long house discussion and living which paved the way for our 13 colonies and then our nation to use ‘words to help put down swords’.  Let these ideas drift into your dream time and do not forget them upon waking…a-ho!

On this last day of May, let the loved ones who are part of our hearts continue to live on and to brighten the month of June, which like any month marks the time of many babes being born, many people being healed and finding peace while at the same time others are leaving or learning lessons in a more challenging way. May you have friends and guidance from the galaxy and the divine as your journey through the seasons of your life and when the times for any of us to close our eyes and see the spiritual world with new eyes of  our being.

Shine on and live on with peace, insight, good hope and many friends here and beyond, Maya  and our teen heroic son Kaelan Paton (whose memorial service is on short clips on youtube with folk music and sharing of his own essay by a lovely teacher  Monica Connor as well as a moving talk by  rope rescuer and friend Skip Kosciusko)  who passed trying to save a friend (who thankfully, miraculously was saved) and my loved ones and and all of our good friends who work toward healing and peace for one and all. I offer this hope in the name of the greater good and love–however one spells that in their culture and understanding when awake and asleep (and whose to say whether we’ve mixed those terms up?)  See nature with new eyes and insights as well as the way ‘things just happen to go well’ ‘when you keep an open mind and heart that love connects all….
