Submitted by livfully , Catherine Palmer Paton of CT USA
on Wed, 05/28/2014 – 04:02

I wanted to chime in here that about Ten Thousand people clicks on my blog posts have happened since its inception about a year ago. Maybe some the same people looked at a few postings. I’ve mentioned it in a few newspaper articles– using the ‘least amount of energy to get the most work/ exposure done’.

Sometimes it feels like ‘bragging or self-promotion’ but really I feel like Somebuddy has to talk about these matters for more people to ponder collectively. It’s not easy to start writing if one had been beaten down by naysayers or not built up by yeah-sayers. I have had a great education in the first 25 years of my life–at grade school and high schools and college.

hen there was the lifelong school of LIFE, which I am still attending full-time with great appreciation. Who are my teachers, my classmates? Well that would include YOU my dear site checker-outers and many other locals and wider circles. I don’t really have time to see people much or talk in person to more than a handful of folks on any given day in my small town area. Still, the ideas from and the little TV or few newspaper and online news I read all tells me, this stuff is KEY to addressing our current times individually and in larger circles. For now, I’m off to my Zi time (11p-1am time, which I’m late for by 40 min! Make that an hour!) All the best to you and yours for health, wealth and well-being on all levels in the right amounts. See for inspiring simple ideas to sleep well and wake up gently. Try to remember dreams Before you open your eyes.

I had a dreem other night (which may all be about sides of myself –or all of us as members of the human race–some Jungian friends say) about a fellow who insisted many bird feeders be filled regularly even though the funding organization said their funds were drying up. He got friends from a river boating adventure to help stand by to fill said feeders and argued vehemently that the whole point of the organization was to feed the birds. Strangely, the birdseed had some chemical on it that was giving him a respiratory ailment that could prove life threatening.

The irony that the thing he was trying to save was potentially going to cause his demise was something I tried to relay to people but No One would Listen. They were on a ‘set course’ and it did not matter if ‘things did not make sense’. They had a PLAN and were going to follow it, sensible or not, toxic or not. There was no way to get their attention and clue them in.

Often in life it seems ‘there is no way to get through to someone or a system–the bigger, the worse and the more formal and established, the worse to try to use common sense and care to address concerns or conflicts. That’s where the power of Transformative Mediation (see the book The Promise of Mediation) can come in or even Facilitative Mediation. I’ll try to post articles I wrote after taking trainings in each of those. There are so many healing, helpful ideas that are not allowed to be discussed by many facets of society. Soon the wisdom will bubble forth (see for a few tips I have enjoyed). More info is circulating, from places like The Unarius Foundation which should prick our awareness that there are possibilities beyond what we typically imagine. Many point to the strong likelihood of the spirit living on beyond death.

Once that is considered as a serious possibility, many things shift for a person. They may want to err on the side of NOT racking up a lot of bad karma. They won’t think they can ‘get away with short-changing people’ And they can realize the gift and beauty of being able to ask for forgiveness and make amends for wrongdoing while still alive. This holds true for organizations as well as groups, states, towns, families, and of course individuals. The idea of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow can be viewed as inner peace after journeying through an array of emotions and challenges both inner and outer.

he metaphor of walking on water can be seen as the miracle of finding hope after hard times, of being patient and respectful towards oneself and others (and seeing the connection between the two) and of allowing feelings without acting them out–being honest but not rash in actions and hopefully understanding there are limits to what one could or should do if feeling hurt or vengeful.

“Why Don’t We Talk About these Things?” Again, if we can’t slow down mentally, emotionally and socially Long Enough to think things through, we won’t do it. If we don’t have the thinking skills to really dig deep, we won’t do it either. If we are distracted or otherwise engaged in pursuing ‘important or even trivial matters’, again we won’t get around to caring about things enough. We often feel we Must Accept the Status Quo..who are We to question The Laws of our Land or State? How would we Begin to Ask Questions in meaningful ways and venues? What about all the repercussions of our Words ( and Actions)? Won’t we be judged for not being perfect or not always living the way it seems we should (even judging ourselves harshly, sometimes worse than others would?)

With all the crime and misery that is reported ad nauseum amidst ads and media which stir up sensationalism, why wouldn’t we want to at least get blogging or talking about HOW our Society Works Well and HOW it could FUNction more efficiently for more people, particularly women and children who are statistically at risk for injury and poverty and oh yes, pregnancy (that’d be the young girls primarily but sexual assault is now being recognized as a problem striking both genders with more frequency whether when young or in the military or over the life cycle.)

A victim of any age needs to know the SAFETY boundaries s/he needs to maintain, likely by NOT being alone with anyone who May violate them, even if they are elderly, they work for them, they seem mentally off and ‘not responsible due to drugs or their condition’, etc. Every person should have a basic Right to Safe Housing and Monitored Relationships so they don’t have to define abuse By  Themselves. Too often ‘those in charge’ side with a confident bully rather than a mousy victim. There would be plenty of JOBS to right the wrongs taking place on a regular basis in almost every facet of our culture.

Stay tuned for more tips (women only events and getaways for screening..and yes one for kids and one for men..again all separate for at least a day but maybe an overnight or two or more). Camps serve such a purpose and during the summer and warm weather would make the perfect time to invite large groups of one gender out to camps for education and insight into such difficult topics as violence, abuse, drug use, mental health challenges and stress,  affording housing and transportation and getting and keeping a job and transportation to work.

Again, without an ongoing education campaign every person feels Completely Alone in their struggles..that’s kind of stupid when there are almost 8 or 9 Billion People on the Plan-It. No need to go it alone and our plan-it needs us to all have a buddy and be a buddy (to the best of our  ability, maybe with a sponsor.) Goodnight and and good sleep to US-All for now. The new moon is with us so let US-All look to the stars and the days of our lives for the things we may have been missing, have not been able to hear and be ready to dig a little deeper into what life’s all about not only for ourselves but for our neighbors and friends locally and glow-bally…Ciao now, bellas!

Some of these posts grow over time, and some seem to find a path from someone else’s blog.  Hope it’s been helpful and inspirational!