Thanks for tuning into some great ideas here on Promoting ‘earth care, people care and resource share’ as in permaculture (PC) circles getsthe ball rolling to help people, communities and states network.
See othe postings on Safey PLANS on this blog. Googe CT Open House to apply (with a CT connection) to offerconnections to your field on June 14th, 2014. Applicatons due by April 10th. More ideas to follow soon. See for classes in CT and online.
Happy Spring as we reflect on the seasons of our lives locally and globally with many traditons marking the return of warmer weather, planting and spiritual legacies (Passover, Easter and Equinox among others, then graduations and summer.
Keep it safe, sensible and in be supervised or in close touch with parents, teachers or other capable overseers if venturing out. All the best to stay Connected in positive ways…
Other site worth checking soon for exciting events and ideas–Berkshire Women Writers, www.Our, Kripalu, Berkshire Co-op, Libraries in Great Barrington, Sheffield, Millerton (with events in their Annex and a chance to use their space if appropriate for your event), Musicals at Area Schools and Theaters, such as the Warner Theatre in Torrington CT.
The Shoppers-Guide offers online and print listings of events, jobs, items for sale. Share tips with friends! See to ‘think safety when going out or even around home and your town when caring for others and yourself’. Most states have resources also by dialing 2-1-1 and for emergencies, safety checks if someone may be a dAnger to themselves or others call 9-1-1. Try to use a safety plan of letting someone know when you are varying from your routine, going on a trip (and check in often with a call or text or e-mail), having symptoms of not feeling well or stress, etc.
Check smoke alarms and CO detectors (maybe bring your own when you travel since had a story about people dying and getting sick from CO in a hotel, that show was on 3-19-14). Worth a listen online or the radio is NPR (National Public Radio) with the Diane Rehm show in the mornings, and The Moth on Fridays at 1pm which has stories of people, and then the Sunday AM On Being show and Ted Talks. Check local stations if times vary and tune into Cable TV and local radio for events too. Do some outreach (and even ask or make small loans) for yourself, friends and a few extra as you can since many people hear of things by Word of Mouth (or FB)…all the best now! I helped someone in a pinch and hope to get others to pitch in to offset the prospect they may not be able to pay me back after all…it was $150 to get their car out of a tow yard. The person had given someone a ride to the hospital late at night and ran out of gas on the way back. Normally a light comes on, but not this time and without AAA (highly recommended for folks to get for just such challenges).
Clearly, a sensor can fail when it comes to showing if one is running out of gas, so Critical to Keep Track of Mileage if one’s gas guage is not working. The tow truck arrived before the person was able to return with gas, which they did only to find their car gone. Then the tow yard was nice enough not to add on more charges if the money were paid that very next day, which with friends help it was delivered in a timely mannner and without me having to drive an hour extra that day.
Hope we can all learn to network and be willing to assist as we can, not to enable but to really consider ‘why is this happening and which non-profits or others could Actually Be of Some HELP when a crisis arises. I asked a few churches and social workers to help pay the fee or reimburse me…but I have not heard back and some said no, or not at this time, or call back, which I just may do. Helping people is not always as practical or sensible as one may think or hope, so we can brainstorm ways that Could happen with more ‘checks and balances’. Some areas of concern are ‘volunteering’ –a waiver against being sued likely is needed, and perhaps town attorneys could review a standard form that citizens could readily access online. Helping someone for no pay may be a different situation than getting any kind of compensation such as money (one time or periodically), bartering for things or services, etc.
That all needs clarification so why not encourage every state and town to help people protect themselves and help each other and themselves by knowing the ‘limitations’ of any kind of interaction (in a person’s home versus in public, in a school or library or hospital, at events, doing projects or small jobs, etc). Thanks for thinking about such things. Why not make a list of people who you or others could call in a difficult situation whether socially, financially, job or transportation related, etc. Often a few hundred dollars may be needed, so again a personal or small group rainy day fund would make sense.
Team players who could help check on home, kids, family, work matters would also be a smart plan. When you really need help in a pinch it’s not always easy to think ‘who would you call’ even to check in about the situation. If the person who ran out of gas called me, I could have gotten someone to bring gas to them, and hopefully that would have solved that problem. They were not pulled far enough off the road likely, however, so maybe it all had to go the way it did..But again, if they’d had triple A, the tow would have been much cheaper and could have gone to a place that would not charge storage fees since the gas could have been put in on the spot or after it was towed to a garage or their home (if that’s an option).
An UPDATE now Jun 2014..why not make Flag Day a time to remember all of our loved ones and others,even those needing Healing, here and on the other side so IF they are born again, they have help living a better, kinder life.
The information on The Duluth Model website is an important way for everyone to review the safety plans and boundaries for all people to respect in their personal and public lives.
The Power and Control Wheels identify the many ways people may bully one or more people. The Equality and Fairness Wheels show forms of being safe and respectful. There are special wheels showing how Mothers need to have Support in their caregiving roles (which should of course considerate parenting of their children).
Communities can learn to educate the public to prevent people breaking laws or ‘losing control’ even in difficult circumstances such as transitioning to new places, people, living or relationship roles. Young families or those having people to care for deserve a lot of support in many ways, perhaps that needs more understanding by friends, helping groups and programs and even the families themselves.
More advocacy for those pursuing new roles or joining in a community is important. Thanks for helping as you can and offering to listen and assist someone with finding resources such as by calling or googling 211.
Other imortant sites include Attorney Barry Goldstein and writer Lundy Bancroft