Submitted by livfully by Catherine Palmer Paton, of CT in the USA
on Tue, 01/21/2014 – 03:47

Happy MLK Jr Day to you and yours, to us and US-All. There are reasons for everybuddy to pause and be grateful for civil rights and for more inclusion in our diverse society. Even if people need or want to maintain areas of ‘separate by equal’, the overall goal for our country is one to live and let live, and to give and get respect. The overall ‘show stopper’ I heard on is that a mere 85 people own $1.7 Trillion dollars. The top 50 own the most of that. See more on The astounding GAPS in resources of money too often result in many people being starved off the plan-it.

The plan is to do just that it seems and with ‘who’ approving of this and why exactly? We really only have one planet to live on last I checked. When did it become acceptable to insist everyone ‘pay their own way’ when really each infant needs care and deserves a basic standard of care which could be met when we factor in the current gross discrepancies. Not unlike the Natives losing vast swaths of America to Europeans, there is no way to repay them easily. The wrong thing was done also to the slaves brought here and even through 1840, a million free slaves were sold into slavery in the South. We have so many ‘sins’ paving the way to ‘freedom’ we may have to call it free-dumb.

The joke may be on the majority of people who somehow have been duped to calling the other ‘low folks on the totem pole’ the problem, when really it is a TOP-down problem. A major imbalance of power which everyone could readily acknowledge. Another economist said 400 families hold about 80% (or was it more) of the wealth in this country, the US-All. Hmmm, sounds like another gross imbalance.

We should not have to feel we cannot figure things out. We are here, and yes, the plan-it is heating up and times likely will get more challenging as the oceans rise (some say 10 feet or more as the glaciers melt). That is where groups of people determining ways to help each other comprehend and respond reasonably to such challenges, along with the economic pressures, makes good sense. We need a behavioral guide and teams of people willing to work together as well.

Perhaps that is the silver lining to widespread problems and caring responses such as 12-step programs addressing alcoholism and other widespread addictions. Even those going through divorce, change, moves, job loss and even retirement where adjustments are required have helped pave the way toward dealing with crisis.

The civil rights movement in this country and other efforts for nonviolence even after genocides such as in Rwanda or apartheid in South Africa factor into the skill sets we need to survive climate change and economic challenges. We can turn to programs such as on and accept we don’t need just a few good guys or countries to save the world, but all continents, the whole Gaia world system to work collaboratively. Values of care, respect and living simply upon the earth resonate in every part of the earth.

The good guys and gals need support from one another, and teams of people helping more people gain decent fair standards for living and appreciating our modern opportunities can birth a more harmonious tribe worldwide. Celebrate and volunteer to help spread the words to put down the swords each season of the year and each season of your life.

See the New Year 2014 posting about each age group teaming up in spirit each month and for one special day each year (whatever date one’s age turns into, such as 18 being on 1/8 –as well as the 18 of each month, or as 25 being on 2/5, 33 on 3/3, 46 on 4/6, 51 on 5/1 (the decades being marked by the 10th of the month prior, so 50 would be 4/10 and 60 would be on 5/10 with 61 celebrating  on 6/1).

It’s kind of tricky but before long a calendar of celebrating people of every age emerges.  Consider this the copyright, but go ahead and let’s spread this good idea. Be in touch if you want to market the notion further, which by all means would be a brilliant endeavor to help everybuddy feel acknowledged, valued and included! Volunteer for an hour on one of your special days (or near the time if you are just too booked on that day).

The overall idea is to help one another, and even  yourself, so maybe ask someone to help you on or near your special day. And Yes, you can still enjoy your birthday, and maybe find ways to have economical, festive and educational ‘group birthdays, maybe on the decades or half-decades such as at 25, 35, 45, 55, 56, 75 and the like. Until then, drum up your own Dream and let yourself and others give voice to your hopes, dreams and great ideas!