Susanna Opper is a person of pursuing plenty like a plateful of palette-pleasing dishes. Hiking? Speaking? Storytelling? Videos? Ushering? Movie-going? She’s got all that going on Plus she’s a great Constant Contact account coach. So what do I do when I learn of a free offer from Constant Contact?
Sign up…but forgot to check with her first! I’ll see if we can remedy that, but meanwhile You can benefit from her expertise if you are interested in sending out professional looking emails to your peeps, be they anonymous blog audience members or people you see in a group or business setting. Okay, so I am new to that actual realm and even the fees that may be connected to longer tern engagements, but I am trying to find out as part of my growing blogging and business interest in what that might look like. I have a few blog sites now, but overall am situated with hundreds of posts at
That survived one major shift from Drupal Gardens and is now on a server called BlueHost. Have I lost anyone this cyber talk or on the Appalachian Trail intro about video contests? Well, sit back and get on over to see their site or Susanna Opper’s Web Words (which you can sign up for free for tips on all things related to Web with a few stories about her interesting well-lived life in the Berkshires with her equally talented spouse Will Ryan. Both are longtime Toastmasters and a great asset to the Berkshires. Head on over to the Southern Berkshires Toastmasters site to learn more. Here’s a letter I sent to Susanna about getting help with Constant Contact
. I could hardly figure out what I wanted to say but it gives an idea of my personal growth in the land of computers (and someday that will include with good input from The Land Of Brand who I saw at an event with Patty Lennon, coach, recently.) Hello to all the amazing women entrepreneurs at her Wealth and Purpose Event held at Hotel Zero in Danbury, CT fortunately a few days Before the Tornado and Storms came through CT, spring 2018!