PS Let me know if you’d like to help me sell innovative systems for these times to support calm and more… for communities that range between 5-15K (at the half price rate…) I am learning more and feel this would be a very special way to work together.
If people sign up for the program they can be ‘affiliates’ in their own right as well and yet it’s rather special info so I’d like to share with those into honest, healing dealings…Thanks and wishing all the best…and even good rest! I will mention I am planning to be an affiliate with so hope to have my link up soon…but am letting you know it’s a great thing to hear him speak on various topics and use the programs for your family. There may be free trials too… check it out! Email me if interested in any of the above at or on my public Livfully FB page this week! Thanks in advance!
Well in addition to having important ideas and knowing how to say them, apparently there’s an art to introducing yourself (to lists of people you’ve actually built up over time…) I know the folk music world folks had a mailing list of 10K names..they’d print up extensive booklets with commentary on each album, cassette or CD and mail those puppies out, with labels printed off a computer though they likely hand wrote them back in the day.
I have another friend who’d personally address a greeting card to each of his 250 customers for car care. Let’s applaud the efforts of everyone braving Written Communication, FB and social media and the dicey public communication realm (especially on the internet which is not a one and done if someone is recording it…) By the way some things people say ‘in private’ can circulated by others even without naming names and appear much later, even decades later on the internet with the ‘speaker identified’.
That is the case in a recent book that doesn’t exactly put the tri-corner MA/NY CT area in the best light. I’ll share more about that in a few weeks…but it’s a doozie…and may be a great lesson for people to consider things in the context of “What IF something happened that was not intended, was accidental or was criminal…might the person(s) involved be due some bad karma…directly or with harm befalling their family or friends?”
That is a helpful question for everyone to consider and is raised indirectly in the book a few times over, minus the What IF..and going straight to allegation after allegation, or very detailed and far-fetched (based on info shared from dreams and a dozen psychics–half who disagreed with the other half about possibilities.)
The Deeper Questions about Life and Challenges or Transitions (to be as objective as possible in terms of describing matters) are explored in some posts on I hope to have a reference of what is covered in the hundreds of posts to cull the wisdom I’ve shared from experts and thinkers in many fields…along with my own line of inquiry about our human experiences as people whether individuals, housemates, family members, partners, parents, community members, workers, counselors or any other roles…
If we intend to treat others well and also be careful to understand our own boundaries and intentions, then we can live more harmoniously. “All of life is an act of faith” a wise friend shared when I was reflecting back in the day on the loss of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa, considering how they brought the sense of sisterhood and motherhood into the world in ways that we all can appreciate.
A recent book called Project One (online or in print) by Ali Storm shares that starting with a deep connection to the feminine resonance among humanity can be our saving grace, and that’s for all people. …once we ‘start with the gift and guidance of connecting to the feminine resonance” and voluntarily connect with source we’ll come more into alignment with many special aspects of ourselves and these times as a wider human family…that’s the Oneness referred to in Project One…
I am learning a lot more as I can and hope others can join in that endeavor (including a meditation time from 3:30-3:45 ish (9 minutes at 3:33 am or pm or both…thinking well of someone else and getting the benefit of that caring frequency…a bit like being healed when praying for someone else apparently…good stuff to ponder, yes?)
Okay so that’s plenty for today and hope everyone is doing well. Thinking of Moms though, if you have a story you’d like to send me to share anonymously or with just first names etc on my blog or with just me etc, feel free to let me know something that your Mom did or worked through that inspired you…or how you feel she still inspires you even if she has crossed over.
I told a friend I feel I am becoming more like my Mom and often think of myself as her daughter as much as I think of myself as my grown children’s Mom…I also am feeling the effects of being a sister among many siblings over the decades… so that’s another story prompt…and of course it’s fine and dandy to share something about one’s father too. My parents have both been gone from this mortal world for over a decade, being born 98 years ago this year (back in 1922 and meeting on a beach though he was from NM and she was from CT… all during WW2, so interesting times indeed for less common pairings…)
If you have a connection to my parents and family, I’d love to hear a memory or two, and appreciate that our small towns are managing as well as they are over the decades in part to steadfast efforts of many locals and plenty of ‘newcomers’ (here less than a decade or two) too!
Let’s treat each other as they guests we all are in this part of the world, wherever we come from, however we got here and even if we are not currently physically residing here… it’s all part of the magic and the learning and growing together as a healed, inspired part of the world, ready to help many others in more difficult situations socially, economically, environmentally and even politically. We do need to prioritize our health and safety, even if there’s a lot of controversy about how to do that…in terms of CV 19 vaccines being optional or not…so let’s not put off the serious talks either, Time’s ticking away and “Oh yeah, life goes on…’