Pardon the formatting that did not carry over from the  FB post, but I did add a few points in this. I will work on a better version but much can be gleaned from this by skimming patiently. Thanks..and peace!

Taking in the fullness of this important day to remember our wonderful Kaelan when he walked and played on the earth in his amazing human form before his untimely passing on his last day of his freshman year at Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Falls Village CT on June 16th, 2009 around 3 in the afternoon when helping friends in danger about a mile from the school at the Falls.

This ia post I wrote on his memorial facebook page and am sharing now as the sun is beginning to set and I am staying with a friend about an hour south and will be sharing a special day with family tomorrow.

I am trusting  Kaelan Alexander’s spirit is still keeping an eye out for many and maybe joining in our family times…a little impromptu volleyball just seeing how many hits we could get successfully (rather than two teams) while in a circle or a more formal dinner event marking more landmark occasions–anniversaries, graduations and much everyone is accomplishing (including one doing night shifts in medical care, so reminders that we have a lot going on in our communities much of it automated but we still need that human touch and commitment to care of others not only for weeks and months but often years.)

This morning I got to put some lovely plants in the ground to keep them from drying out (pumpkins, cabbages, flowers and more, thanks to Daisey Hill in Millerton NY for handy  shopping last Sunday, and a fond reminder of good times with the kids there.)

Next was wrestling bittersweet out of the trees by my Turtle Garden in Falls Village Ct, basically where I was 9 years ago on the day Kaelan passed just down the road at the Falls trying to save a third friend from the rough waters, I went for a drive down through West Cornwall CT and through the Covered Bridge, where his body was later recovered on June 23rd, 2009, the day Michael Jackson died (and which he had told a psychic about in advance..that MJ would be ‘coming over soon.’) I share much more about that day on Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton (online.)

Then as planned to appreciate Kaelan’s interest in sculpture by David Colbert and works of art in general, I got to the Open Studio Preview Party in Warren CT today from 2:30-4pm and saw some folks I knew..two who knew all about our shared history of challenge and change 9 years ago, and thankfully only with the loss of Kaelan who tried against great odds to help his friends and actually succeeded even if it cost him dearly.

Maybe by next year we can come up with ways to appreciate the kinds of collaborative plans could help prevent such mishaps (and major transgressions of common sense like going into raging rivers. It is a confusing thing when some feel water ‘can’t be that bad’ or looks rather mellow. There are many factors for That Kind of Outing that Capable Caring Adults and Youth need to work to think the ‘accidental’ and otherwise is not as likely to happen.

Basically unless certain very competent leaders and people approve of an outing (as in in makes a basic ‘Okay To Do With the Right Support” list then the answer’s got to be ‘No Go’…it just wouldn’t be Cool to do so in light of all we learned long ago. Still many youth and likely even their parents and teachers may still be Very Confused or Not Informed…and basically poised to ‘have history repeat itself’, putting kids, adults and rescuers at risk for harm if not fatality.

Upping the bar of Shared Plans and Responsibility (especially in light of what millions in cities cannot even dream about without a natural landscape and likely a lot more supervision from their early city dwelling days to help them have a clearer sense of What Their Mom would say okay to and what she Wouldn’t (and likely had said not to do as I had a few times… but only with a few times to visit with Kaelan when he was a teenager, very weird as that was and again happened ‘for no reason but just kind of happened willy nilly (how’s That for a technical term and reason to not see one’s happens much more often than most understand or would Imagine would happen in America’.

That is also against what many good advocates I have met nationally recommend. They write extensively and have told me best practices are, “Do NOT separate kids from their mother” (if there is no reason and particularly if there is any kind of control imbalance, threat from someone to take legal custody or any kind of natural disaster or politcal upset. To do so is against International Human Rights Laws and best practices to keep kids alive and well.I am surprised we have not heard of the application of this basic advocacy regarding the children being separated from their families at the Mexican-American Border.

They’ve done the math…so ideally more young women and most met who want to live with integrity and accountability (such as offered with Safe and Together Institute, formerly David Mandel Associates or CT Non-Violence Alliance) can do their homework and plan for safety through age 20, 30, 40 and 50. Hopefully by then one has a track record and can find more help with living reasonably..but again, with mixed laws and few resources, more people likely will need to join together to manage basic living and pursuing health and wellness in all areas of their lives, should that be of interest.

Too often if not doing so, there are laws and policies one can get ‘tagged by’ and there goes one’s freedom and peace of mind. Don’t mean to sound too dire here, but basically hoping more people could care for themselves and others in fair, balanced win-win ways…and dare to share and care the knowledge about how life works and how to avoid the pitfalls much sooner than typically happens, even with Facebook!

Okay, thanks for letting me explore this stream of thought. I hope to make the next year one of meaningful outreach around Kaelan’s life legacy and appreciate how many have come to know and respect him from his final acts of courage and life saving actions

. Everyday hometown heroes, including everyone just looking out for the basics and being ready to Tell Someone if Danger may be around the corner (such as calling one’s Mom or Dad, ideally both, and an Aunt or Fire Department or if need be, the Police –but keeping in mind that they do carry weapons and anything you say may be held against you in a court of law…so best to Say Nothing and Get an Attorney if there’s Any Doubt whatsoever and even if you don’t think there is. Okay we’ll hash that out better another time, but lots to learn before being ‘footloose and fancy free.’

Peace, love, healing, forgiveness, trust, hope and good health in body, mind and soul and among communities, families and friends. Sending lots of love to those above as well, Kaelan, his grandpa Sandy who passed 40 days later on July 26, 2009, his maternal grandparents Dale and Mary Srs, and many other loving relatives and friends in our circles.

Stay strong at heart and know everyone is doing something special here…and likely being blessed by generations past, present and even future. Let’s dream out loud a little longer and stronger…and soon we can see the fruits of our collective efforts! As the Lakota say, “All My Relations” and that includes the plants, animals, our good earth and the Creator as well.

May all religions find a way to seek peace and that sense of fair play and the greater good starting in our homes, towns, states and countries and being especially prevalent at the borders..keeping children with their parents and other natural relatives or in humane accountable groups and with a sense of peace for all online and ideally with more networks and in person as that can happen.

Thanks a bundle and let’s all ‘take a moment’ in our hearts and minds, appreciating all in this group and ‘groups like this one’…whether online or in their own way hatching out. Hope to hear from anyone here or in a PM about how they are doing.

Thanks again for all the care and support over the years for our families and most recently for Caroline Paton whose got mobility challenges but lots of good help (and of course, more is welcome for a visit and such in our country locale.)