Β is the link to join an inspiring coach in a current challenge. If you ‘aren’t there yet’ just take notes..and consider What IF you had a service or product you wanted to share…how might you go about doing so? I’ve been Super-Uper Busy but got to see some speical people in my personal social circles, so mostly the world is turning in the right direction for me. I have had time to reflect in the actual set of towns that my late teen son Kaelan lived in and sadly exited the earth from nine years ago.
Not much sizzlin’ about That…really I dipped into some posts here and on Facebook as the time approached, June 16th…and even over the week when his actual passing date is recorded since that’s when his earthly shell resurfaced from a river hold and travelled seven miles to the next town. The mystical elements and messages continue to evolve in my heart, mind and circles of exploration (with hearing of others in person, from stories and many traditions.)
I feel I’ve hardly scratched the start of some code…and it’s not just about out DNA but actually may have much more to do with that than I imagined..and I have quite an imagination. Listening to Barb Marciniak, she explains a time of the Nano — a kind of major awakening of hearts and minds of humanity (yes, All of Us here on earth) from 1987-2012…then times of shift and turmoil but even more ‘downloads of energy from the Pleiadies if I am hearing her correctly.’
The Possibilities seem to multiply and stretch beyond ‘time, space, genetics and all other basic ‘landmarks and anchors’. Overall it makes everything that much more fascinating and really to me, sacred. I hope to find a way to convey far more of what I am thinking about and discovering through the last few months of caring for someone (which I’ve done for many people over a few decades, and hope to draw upon those experiences as well as share the current strategies and programs I am learning about.)
Every state likely has a menu of options, but knowing well enough in advance and having a team to respond to all the big points and finer details takes some doing. So, Calling All Angels once again to help us have these important timely conversations, monitor our own personal health and lifestyles so we can ‘keep on keeping on’ caring for one another. I find the enthusiasm and skill of others promoting basic business education rather exciting and inspiring to help us all connect and communicate not only about our services but about our life journeys..which somehow often have a way of coming up as we ‘do business’…and serve one another with a sense of teamwork and building a better world and future.
Just the basics but plenty to enjoy, much like a garden, which has been another therapeutic and energizing endeavor…racing to get plants in the ground, pulling bittersweet and grapevines from the trees just behind my swale garden. Watching out for poison ivy and enjoying the array of colors and foliage of the perennials (lupine, black eye Susans, daisies, asparagus, blue indigo, iris, aster, sedum, lambs ears, lavender, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme ( a couple types, lemon and English, also with sage, variegated, big leaf, and plain).
Did I mention Mint (here’s a hint….a few kinds of That as well.) Naturally growing mullein, lemon clover and perennial bee balm, lemon balm, oregano and hyssop are all welcome along with the milkweed to feed to the Monarch butterflies. Guess who Loves the comfrey that abounds in the grounds near my gardens? That would be the ruby throated hummingbird. So on that happy note, I will share also that beavers are being brought back in some areas to help restore water tables and so forth.
Many places have only 10% of what the land and water can handle, if I heard the program on NPR right today. I thought of how a ‘beaver slapped his tail’ when I took a walk to collect herbs and flowers at the nature center in Sharon, the week after Kaelan passed. I felt the beaver was telling me to stay present and keep going at that time and remembering that walk nine years later, it’s still a helpful message. I carry our son’s memory and sense of connection with his spirit in my heart much like I keep the living in mind. It’s a matter of allowing oneself to do so. A man with the last name of Coffin had shared that sentiment during Kaelan’s Memorial service which is on youtube in short segments
. The relationship does not end, it’s just ‘different’. I thank everyone for sharing their thoughts and stories over the years when we’ve had time to connect. Many people are tuning into the collective commonalities of recognizing the spiritual side of life, from before birth to during birth and life as a small person and then over time and as one nears death and transitions out of the earthly realm. Likely we will all find ways to ‘make time to prepare and follow up’ with one another about such aspects of life as they play out in our towns and wider circles. I have thought having a monthly gathering on the 15th would provide one way to check in and have a shared service.
Maybe having a second time on the 1st of the month would also make sense, but having shared times with posters and video taped talks from caring family and others would make sense to pay tribute to each person in a community. Then sharing a meal and other aspects of music or meaningful programs could follow. Taking an hour or so for the main program could be augmented by gatherings beforehand and afterward maybe with more personal smaller groups or a time for men, women and youth to each have a half hour to gather and share and reflect. There are more ‘roles’ still factoring into many aspects of our lives than we likely take time to consider, yet sharing the insights and the work and information could happen more readily with some networking especially over the decades (those in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and so on. Keeping an eye out for one another with buddy systems and basic check ups not only for health but also for ‘wealth’ and assets, skills and abilities to be independent or have supportive friends would also make sense. Thanks for keeping these ‘little basic details of life’ in mind as you get busy and ponder the bigger picture of life.It’s all part of the puzzle and the prize!