As for local events we all want to attend so we have a better chance of ‘bumping into our neighbors’ and seeing amazing cars, put The Falls Village Car Show on your calendar for July 8th, 2018. PM me if you want to help me with my community-networking booth I will have (a place to post community events, with a summarized list to help people remember dates, times and consider inviting friends who may not have time to figure out the deets.)
Ideally a list of community events resources such as listed in The Hills and in the Lakeville Journal’s “Towns and Villages” special sections (with Town Listings, something I suggested to them ages ago to again have an easy go-to resource so hope everyone can save that and help be a resource to others.)
In terms of resources and community celebrations, the Journal’s photo gallery of graduates from three area high schools was are all of the grads so kudos to them and their families and towns.
Lots to be proud of and help each feel welcomed into the post high-school world with a team of support (rides, ideas, jobs, referrals, help with all sorts of stuff and ways to give and receive help.) Everyone is invited to attend a Toastmasters Meeting (see more online with Southern Berkshire Toastmasters which is open to people from any state.)
There’s a group in Torrington CT I believe and in Great Barrington meeting the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays–promptly from noon to 1:15pm– at the BCC Community College on Main St, just before Bridge Street where the Berkshire Co-Op is and where we meet for lunch and visiting afterwards around 1:30pm.
The sense of teamwork and care to speaking cordially and intentionally (without ums, ers, and so’s, gratuitous ‘likes’ and with a game plan for what one is going to say in a few minutes time frame.
There are many resources online as well. There is a special program for college students, but why not have more ‘booster informal’ clubs to help people network along these lines and attend the more formal groups as interest warrants. I just re-enlisted and my original 30 dollars or so to join was still valid even after not being a member for 5 years.. it felt like a ‘welcome home’ moment.
Okay, so back to creating more community, sharing in efforts and yes, creating more ‘income streams’ for people, programs and towns…which these talks from David Adelson and others such as Patty Lennon’s talks online or in person or FB groups. Maybe even Debtors Anonymous which is a group likely needed much needed in every area a new friend David Parker who is an author of a book on Procrastination…if memory serves, suggested to me in an informal chat.)
Check out MEFA.orgΒ about educational funding and planning which I just heard about on that I found by chance since someone recommended a talk on it from a Mama Gena’s FB group that I joined after a free weekend in NYC with her…
Hope you find value in these notions and consider ‘now I don’t have to think through all of that’..and can proceed ‘full speed ahead’ with a positive outlook, but hopefully going easy on the gas pedal on the road.