Speaking with a wise fellow whose served on important community groups over many years, I was delighted when he knew right off the bat Why I was applauding that there is a new standard in addressing conflict by police…(sure, why not use a Baseball Analogy since this pertains to the game of living in America and the Modern World Today,no matter one’s history or past conditioning…)
See more about the response to a ‘domestic violence or abuse’ call by police as grounds for determining The Primary Aggressor Before Making an Arrest, rather than arresting both parties if it were a ‘he said, she said’ deal. (Or Party 1 said, Party 2 said, as in the individuals, not good time partying..)
Now we’ve all just been celebrating almost around the clock for our country’s 4th of July Birthday..some say to head right over to the Tax Cuts to Medicare and Medicaid that are proposed by Republicans…but hopefully haven’t passed while we were worrying about border issues and being happily distracted by fireworks.
Maybe more protests could involve NOT spending a gazillion dollars on fireworks every year but having one every few states on various years.. maybe each state have one every five years live with good large screenings in cities and so forth. Take that many millions and feed the hungry, clothe the naked and provide safety and health care.. and Make their own fun, put on talent shows and journals of family trees and histories, digitize their newspapers from olden days as The Lakeville Journal is being done by Salisbury’s Library (and welcoming donations through Scoville Memorial Library with a note for that project.)
Other ways to celebrate.. car shows Of Course and Gardening Efforts (in every state with leadership and talks at the local level such as The Sharon Garden Club has offered for decades, but maybe with some ‘simple, no hands on requirements to care for community gardens or provide refreshments or pay dues..just Learning Together such as online Permaculture is offering through Regenerative PC) Still some could promote a garden as a teaching classroom at every public school, many libraries and in faith groups and other non-profits such as NECC< North East Community Center in Millerton NY..something every town could benefit from.Okay now back to enjoying a Joyful July… and Thanks for All You do and Learn about. See more on www.livfully.org…Later ‘Gators