Should I start with the serious topic of the Supreme Court Justice nominee..”Coach K” or work toward encouraging people to enjoy July with the freedoms we have left (but can’t tell you how long that will be for…) Okay, since the SCOTUS was the last part ot the title, I will let the ‘last be first’ in this post and raise concerns many are emailing me about (from Human Rights Campaign) to other FB posts that say Nominee Kavanaugh would roll back progress made for the LGBTQ causes, Roe Vs Wade (which allows for abortion, but also for much more outreach to women to Prevent Pregnancies and Have Important Screenings for their Health.) The realm of abortion is a very difficult one to face in terms of what it means…ending of a human life.
The earlier that is done, whether defined as a human being or living material which will become human within days, weeks and early months is one that many more initiatives could discuss as candidly and comprehensively at possible. Many pregnancies early on end in miscarriage, so it’s not uncommon for people to ‘wait until the first trimester of 12 weeks of pregnancy is past to announce that a ‘baby is on the way.’ If a woman or couple is ‘not sure’ they are pregnant or want to keep the fetus in the first twelve weeks, an abortion is generally legal in all 50 states, but I haven’t researched this recently and plan to soon
. Factors a woman and couple may typcially face are whether they were planning to become parents (possibly again), the age and health of the birth mother, likewise for the other parent. Financial concerns in terms of affording support for the pregnancy, the birth, the time of adjustment (weeks or a few months or more), the impact on finances and work all need answers sooner rather than later.
The cost of daycare can run about $20/hour in New York City or other places, some higher and some maybe half that or subsidized depending on the program. A child care giver can cost minimum wage or 10-15/hour for one child and 20 and up for two. Maybe people will find help for some or all of the work hours and other times needed for appointments and such. Maybe co-ops can be formed, even co-housing such as paying a caregiver in part by providing housing and some meals.
There are regulations for all of that, and some people may not follow them in full or at all. The terms can vary if a caregiver is the grandparent or caring for a child in one’s home versus the child’s home. The cost of housing can vary widely and whether renting or buying there may be additional fees and often a ‘maintenance fee’ which is not negotiable if living in a housing complex. That fee may be a few hundred dollars to over a thousand or more monthly.
That covers the cleaning of halls, snow removal, trash removal and more. But back to babies…wanted or unwanted, we need to discuss practical options for all people to have early on to prevent undesired pregnancies (free education and couseling, birth control and information on abstinence as well as maturity markers such as basic health, competency and social skills to prevent abuse and control, giving in or feeling indebted as well as a host of ‘religious or cultural factors’ pressuring a woman or couple to become serious, intimate and marry for various reasons’.
Knowing one can ‘always get divorced legally if it doesn’t work out’ likely needs to be explained fully and to every couple as part of the ‘getting married in the first place paperwork and requirements.’ Why enter into something you don’t understand how or why it may be necessary for you to exit legally, socially, romantically and otherwise? Yet with having children (even without legal marriage and sometimes not even with the person one is with) one may have to battle in court for sole or joint custody of the child, even access to the child.
That’s all basically Still A Mess (SAM) in our United States of America and much of the world. So we are already ‘having kids and getting married on shaky ground.” Not trying to spoil the idea of a Joyful July, just double checking the coordinates of the ‘stars in the skies and the rules that apply’ to US-All if we would stop and think about it.
Likely most people would welcome help in planning their social and serious physical relationship (s). Having Something in Writing with the date and a couple of responsible witnesses could help people track if they are going in circles (thinking progress is being made but maybe only finding that time has past and no clarity is gained about if the initial expecations or overall primary relationship doesn’t last as long as planned.
) Can people consider ‘trying to still be cordial, allow space but be polite in public or if their paths cross, finding a new normal and ways to balance ‘keeping in touch’ (especially if there are mutual children, friends and family) with allowing each to develop their own new sets of friends and life plans? Many people Never think of reasonable ways to practice parting ways (for even a day, a weekend, a week or month or longer) early on or later on just to be able to deal with the possibility. So it’s time to do one’s homework.
Keeping up with the possibilities can be challenging so the idea of factoring in the Laws of the Land is very important. The Laws should allow for the options from over the latest decades while people can find ways to create other think tanks and resources. Caring about women early on and helping them understand the many kind of emotional, financial, and social as well as physical abuse can go a long way toward helping them to agree to be accountable for ‘what they are putting up with.’ More public conversations about what is expected by people of various cultures and religions would also factor into understanding ‘different people’s realities’ and how those may change over time (after 1, 2, or more pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions, in vitro procedures or birth children or adoptions.)
The Supreme Court of the Judical Brance of Government has one role to play while the Legislative and Executive Branches have other instrumental roles in implementing aspects of the Constitution of the United States. Ongoing education online and in newspapers could inform the citizenry so more feel capable of understanding the way our society works and how modern practices stem from past decisions. I wish the Congress well in determining an appropriate SCOTUS to replace the former Supreme Court Judge Kennedy.
As for the rest of July, I was going to share that my parents would have turned 96 this year, my Dad in July and Mom in August, both born in 1922. As their tenth offspring, I have had a lot to learn and benefit from due to being born 1) at all and 2) into a large family and 3) into small towns and caring communities–both faith and civic, and 4) in good health in body and mind. Both of my parents, Dale and Mary (Seniors) were likewise fortunate in those ways.
The family tree is rather extensive and full of talented hard working (and fun-loving) folks. Many work in caregiving, medical, teaching or other helpful professions. Plenty have had some bumpls along the way. The insights from knowing dozens of people over a few decades as an adult has been very enriching. Of course sticking around the hometown areas and keeping in touch has helped as well. Sadly even with that , our beloved teen son Kaelan did pass away at the start of summer in 2009.
For that challenge, I encourage everyone to ‘appreciate that he got sixteen plus healhty enjoyable years’ and that he’s made many friends since heading off to heaven while trying to save a friend from the Housatonic River not far from my childhood home, where I can still visit.There are no guarantees of getting the child you want (male, female, healthy or otherwise particularly blessed or influenced in interests and skills.) Each is mortal and many ideas fro psychics or mediums have helped me lean into the notion ‘All is Okay with the Bigger Piciture’ even s use a fair percentage of my mid-life energy to improve the lot for our area and wherever I do or whomever with which I connect.
I hope to put a video together of a Housatonic Song I wrote a while back and had kids dance to the verses of happily enjoying the outdoors, schools and wider world. I used to teach some dance programs and a small group of kids did that about 20 years ago, so time for a reprisal. Here’s to all throwing their hat in the ring to serve our communities and yes, courts too, hopefully with the bigger picture in mind of treating others the way you’d want to be treated…with justice for all…