I just wrote some thoughts to the Journal about the legacy of the Railroad and the Housatonic River. I wrote a song about such things a while back and hope get some folks together to give it a whirl (yes, join in the chorus, make up another verse or hear their own inspired song, poem, story and such. I’ll have a patchwork quilt out near the Pavillion (or in it if it’s raining…) on Thursday 7/26 from 7 to 8pm.

Consider it a Pop-Up Shop of Song and Sharing! #Pop-UpSongs. Be in touch if you’d like to have such a gathering at your own home or group location! Let’s keep the community spirit chugging along merrily along the banks of the river like the railroad with the same name.. As a chorus goes from another song I penned, inspired by that of Donald Sosin and Joanna Seaton that had more of a chugging sound for the name and whistle blow for the ‘Rail Road!”, H-O-U-S–A-T-O-N “I” add the ‘C!’) and away we go!

All the best for safe summer adventures and well-being and helping one another as is appropriate and reasonable to do so. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and find support online, from 211.org and local groups! Happy Summering and Bee-yond! See more on livfully.organd share some thoughts too in any comment

 PS Bonus tip:Check PattyLennon.com for a nice offer about support and free inspiring short videos.