Having just seen an exciting show of The Little Mermaid with a thousand folks, including many starry eyed kids, get ready for many to find their niche in wonderful ventures and trainings…There was a fair amount of flying in the show but those doing yoga get into the zone while mostly on the ground.
I also saw a clip of Cirque Us who’ll be at our local Berk-Cirque in Great Barrington MA. The yoga, movement, and dance people will be the healing leaders of tomorrow..Thanks for all you do from here to Thailand and many other places and thankfully, back again. We’re applauding across the species spectrum.
The Sanders Institute is saying we need the inner courage and knowledge to stand up to prevent climate change (and has a couple minute video of Bill McKibben elaborating how we need to get the money out of buying politics…) Again once we can ‘find out center and trust in our collective knowledge’ we can move ahead in more sustainable ways.. now to post this on livfully.org and keep the party goin’ for a greener, cleaner plan-it heart with health for one and all, yoga too.