Here’s a fun new insight I made about the word (and maybe bigger meaning of the term) email. I’ll get to the main point of my post in just a jiffy but am glad I am remembering to put this on my blog before I head out for a day of adventures from here to Kent Presents get-ready workshop then onto NYC. Okay, the word and term Email rhymes with Female, and yes, had the word Male in it as well, as does the word Female. Let that sink in for a moment then free associate and see what comes into one’s awareness…
I noticed just yesterday on the phone with my Bluehost friend who was talking all things WordPress and encourage folks to know they have helpers for a fee to teach the basics and embellish one’s website and options..
Now back to the link between email, female, mail and male (I had to retype that a couple of times to get the right spellings. Maybe females are more communicative and that is something email readily facilitates. Snail mail is slower and more labor intensive and that may be a more ‘male trait.’ I am using these terms in both figurative and literal ways and not in any way to be derogatory to either group by noticing the behaviors… so consider it in the context offered. With mixed or non gender or trans orientation again use the figurative sense or other applications of the idea as a prompt? What resonates if anything…The corpus collosum that joins the right and left parts of the brain (the two hemispheres) has been found to be ‘wired differently’ in females than in males (and I’m not sure with the variations on that theme.) Basically there are more connections (again not to say better advantage, just different, though if more intuition, communication and creativity is ‘better that may be an advantage’.)
With males the fewer direct pathways get with job done (of linking the two hemispheres). It would be useful for more people to understand the possibilities for how biology may be factoring into the thinking and experiences of each gender. I realize there is an ongoing discussion if not debate, I’m just sharing the information I’ve heard over the past decade…and may not have the details spot on in terms of what it means. I do brave asking the questions and exploring in general so we can all get to the next set of important considerations…
Mostly I wanted to share the question from an email from that asked boldly and in an inspiring way…
“What are You doing for 11 Days of Global Unity & the International Day of Peace in September? Kosmos Journal 11 Days Call for Works, We, The World’s 20th Year Celebration Sept 12th & more!” As part of their effort, my blog and many good causes, I encourage us all to learn more and see their site, Thanks and with love from above too…Livfully