If this sounds like a wild idea off the top of my head…It Is!

As it turns out I’ve heard some special energies started pouring down to our earth from the Pleiades right about in 1988 and increased for the next 25 years if I recall what Barbara Marciniak said. Now this might be a bit over the top, but why not appreciate what Might have happened 30 years ago by noting the 30 days prior to September 21st as a time to ‘get ready for World Peace Day’.

This could be a time  to celebrate the accomplishments of all in the prior  30 years as well. Thanks for ‘showing up and being part of a healing force on our plan-it heart.’ Intention counts big time and thoughts, words and deeds get the wheels rolling in the desired direction of sharing and caring about all living things and our planet.

We can start this Year of 2018 and in Years to Come  (and everyone can join in this happy challenge Just Because that’s the kind of open invite to be team players that was in the air with many positive, life-affirming values and efforts over many centuries and cultures on through the present. All are invited to do something special whether 5-10 minutes daily or longer to think, learn, speak, or share in the spirit of a peaceful world citizen.That may include ‘helping to use words (and music, art, outreaches, politics and more) to put down the swords of despair, anger, exhaustion, injury or worse…’

Hopefully  with about an hour a week so we can tally 4 hours per person over the four weeks from Aug.21st to Sept. 21st which is International World Peace Day we’d feel loads of great peaceful vibes and see that many happier people during those times if not with the ripple effect on social media and in real life of a world growing together with small efforts bridging the bigger ones the support families, schools, faith groups, cultural traditions, state and national efforts and holidays and more. Thanks for tuning into that great possibility…and Happy Birthday to 30 Year Olds in 2018 and onward as they reach that ‘light at the culmination of their 20s… good work and thanks for sharing your talents with the world!

For other special days for each age, see another post (which I hopefully will look up soon, but basically it turns and age into a date, so 31 would be 3-1 as in March 1st for Worldwide 31 year old day. For the even decade ages, such as 30 that would be the10th of the month before, so February 10th!)

Now with this month from August 21st into September leading up to World Peace Day on September 21st take time to reflect on where you’ve been and how you can make the world a friendlier place. Maybe start with a google search of World Peace Day..It is recognized by the United Nations so it’s B-I-G and results in major one day cease fires or boosts in supplies and medical help and much more, especially however people personalize it with their own local or wider efforts! It can take a few years to catch up with the concept but it’s a bit like the spirit of a giving holiday and hopefully people could take time to relax and do an outreach as well as is safe and appropriate, and generally in public.

Maybe those folks who are Turning 20, Turning 30 and Turning 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 etc could Lead the Way with this initiatve for folks in their Younger Age group (so the 20s work with teens, the 30s with the 20s and so on…since it’s hard to consider ‘new territory’. Ideally the 60s would be coaching the 50s for instance, while the 50s encourage the 40s, see? Likely we could come up with an hour of reflection from 7 to 8pm fo instance along those lines and a 15 minute time from 12:15 to 12:30 to enjoy a meal with a friend or otherwise mark the day…for as many of the 30 days as possible…see the scope of options? Good luck finding cool ways to be part of this celebration of All Ages and All People at this special peace month worldwide! #SPMW!