This is another follow up post to the talks about “Abuse in Camelot and Other Small Towns…” a few days ago. When I copy and repost from FB some letters get cut off.. My apologies, but hope the message is still clear..

I would encourage people to think twice about sharing too much online and trusting it will be received as one intends with no legal

repercussions. We have free speech yes, but then there are ‘libel suits’ and something called ‘vexatious litigation’ which means there is not enough evidence or thereabouts…
In the case of the former rec director, likely there would be enough coming forward to make a case…likely against the town for not protecting them (which is the grounds that Hotchkiss is being sued.) I am not an attorney or giving legal advice…just reflecting from having been to important national conferences (Battered Mothers Custody Conference) which is open to advocates and abused moms who often lose custody to an abuser even if the kids are being hurt and molested.
That’s where Resolution 72 is promoting the federal statute to have all victims of abuse get custody of their children (most often that’s the moms…)
The other reason to ‘not tell all’ without a lot of consideration about who will hear it and what their response will be (so this is about not revealing one’s own name and maybe not that of the perpetrator until a court or green light from an attorney etc) is given to share that.
Too many blame the victim, can’t or won’t hear it as in are steeped in being in denial and staying there…and then there’s the audience that feeds off the negative and even gets turned on by it. So they hear it and get very invested in it…for the wrong reasons. Maybe some abusers want to be found out or expect to have their narcissism rule the day where victims will be humiliated and silenced before they will ever ‘give an inch or try to get help.’ Even if they Do get help, like a couple of years of intense therapy it’s Very Unlikely they can really rewire their thinking (if not physiology…)
Okay hope this is not too depressing..but I know I was very stymied by how so much misery could unfold ‘just under the radar’ and stay there, in the dark, for decades… no matter who knew or who was hurt. See more reflections on such matters and even lighter fare or other serious worries coming to a planet you are on soon… Maybe these things are preparing us for the big violation of our human rights called corporate take over (or another four letter word that does not involve mutual consent or equal parties, the criteria for intimacy or consensual involvement of capable thinking parties.)