With so many interesting talks on youtube.com it’s hard to choose. Sometimes one just pops up and when it has a lot of view, I’m even more intrigued… These ideas are somewhat familiar now to me, having read a few books and seen other such talks…on near death experiences (NDEs), seeing loved ones before they cross over and much more… but always good to hear how it all fits together and what it all means…
okay, here’s the link. https://youtu.be/FhjoEnG4gww She says that much of our life experience is helping us learn about emotions and lessons, feelings and so on. We need to mature over time or come back to repeat some learning opportunities. We advance over the life times we live. She suggests we need to get out of the rut of repetition the same old, same old..
She explores ‘the lower astral’ (those who are earth bound…living in a negative way who end up being criminals and addicts and can’t seem to break the cycle even after they’ve died.) We’ll each have a life review she shares, with elders and masters…and a complete objective ‘film of your life’ yet also with insight from those who you interacted with (effects of words, actions and so on.) She says if we think about it, then we likely would be ‘kinder people’ and try to make amends and apologies of action
That can be done to with the other souls..and they ay regroup as though child’s play or a dramatic production. Life seems ‘very real’ yet from the spirit world it can seem ‘a blink of an eye’. We shouldn’t get too attached to the roles we play or the bodies we are clothed in not unlike costumes to play our parts. New contracts are made with the family and friends to even out some issues. That occurs in the ‘middle astral.’ The “upper astral’ is where more learning is done such as at The Temple of Wisdom complex. There is a Healing Temple (you don’t have to die to go there..you can go in meditation or one’s dreams.)
Spirits go for healing before going on to other realms. The dome is filled with stones that exude a healing frequency to remove residue of illness or imbalance. Then there’s a tapestry of many threads, the thread of life shows how it all intreconnects. It’s a symbol of ‘how the one and the many’ interrelate. Again the need for monitoring intentions, words and actions is important. We are all ‘trying to learn at this life school.’
She explains more in her books. Her favorite place is The Library. She has heard the descriptions of these places from many people. She has asked many questions and she’s gotten more information which she has shared in books (such as about Atltantis and more.) There are many other resources such as the Akashic Records or Scrolls. Lots more shared, but this is an overview lest you don’t have time currently. Bon voyage!