The above video recounts Brett Kavanaugh’s past alleged attempt to silence and attack a fellow teen, something fairly common at not only private schools but in many public schools (after hours and so on) of those times. One young woman’s experience may influence the decision of whether this candidate becomes a Supreme Court Justice or not.Talk about a clean-cut, apparently capable, high-functioning fellow being at risk to lose it all since he seems to be a man of mixed abilities and only a rare loss of control. At least the country’s been warned about This One Person…so it opens the door (alongside many other talented, high-functioning tricky people..yes, men and women but generally a root cause is in the male abuse of females over the generations in first worl countries..and even not so ‘advanced’.)

A a Supreme Court Judge, he in turn would impact the cases and laws of the entire country that come before him.It is a reminder of ‘the one and the many’ being closely linked, to realize what happens to any one person can affect far greater numbers.Even something from long ago.

If he did it, which seems the case, perhaps he could start a new “I’m So Sorry”  apology program to help many others, millions, start to clean up their act. Collectively such healing would likely result in a great deal of healing on many levels and give us all better insight into what we’ve suffered as a national population duped by many in charge over the years who have violated the national trust on a regular basis.

We need to Want to Comprehend the truth of choices abusers and others make to harm others, intentionally..and even unintentionally. If someone is multi-personality or otherwise ‘changed’ (such as after a concussion or being in a coma or operation when one could possibly have a NDE..and leave the body and another spirit enter…so not exactly be the same person any more…a strange but possible occurrence some say and one that might fit with the idea that Brett ‘really can’t recall this episode’ even if his body were there… Just a wild card notion, along with the question of whether man-made or real alien interference could have been part of his or other criminal’s behavior but one maybe a psychic could help clarify or rule out as a lie.)

Towards the end of this short talk, the attorney says, “Women are often called crazy, greedy, liars or all of the above. But women have no rational reason to put themselves through this unless they are telling the truth.”
The old era of mocking, blaming and disbelieving victims (women, men, and children victims of All Kinds of Abuse..and pets who often need protection as well from abuse and even property by the way..if walls could talk.) is shifting now to one of Believing the Victims, the people braving telling their stories (when it is something they feel they can do without terrible repercussions…which is not most victims..and likely costs every victim a lot socially and in life-altering ways.)

Only a small percent of rapes and assaults result in criminal convictions and prison terms however. So again the long view is needed. Yet the community could issue more guidelines for everyone to Start Playing By New Rules and Getting Safe if there were past warning signs that were missed. Issuing guidelines to not threaten, force, trick or otherwise take advantage, hurt, molest or kill someone needs to be understood by everyone.

Human rights outweigh property rights in any disagreement or social setting which used to allow a man to rule his home like his castle (short of injuring someone seriously or killing them.) Same with parents, they cannot seriously harm their children and should not hit or harm them in any way  in the name of discipline. Child abuse likely will be the new topic to get clear about and even ‘argue about’ but hopefully more adults would understand their strength and supposed more knowledgeable base and ability to control themselves and not act out towards children.

Using a strategy of having help (lots of it if needed whether for work, getting housework, laundry, shopping and errands done, or other breaks for personal health and recreation) could include  trades of childcare or finding others who would trade various goods or services in exchange for doing childcare. All minors should be better supervised, such as teens who are at one another’s home or going places and doing things. Checking in and having other responsible guidelines to follow could help many teens not have to be in compromising or dangerous situations whether socially or physically. Basically society needs a ‘major make-over’ to have consistent guidelines for protecting people in every walk of life from youth to elders and everyone in between.