Heartspeak.com is offering a free online program (with replay) Fri Sept 28th and Sat Sept 29th, 2018. Check out the details and register to hear more. It looks a lot like kinesiology or muscle testing so maybe google more info on that too. Enjoy and as with all things I share on this blog, they are not to be taken as endorsements or recommendations or promises for healing or resolving issues Always check with your professional doctors, therapists and support team before trying things (even energetic ones… and be ready to have support–ideally hands on or a phone call away–should you find you have symptoms or memories or other experiences that merit attention.) After a vocal workshop that had some rather intense hands-on coaching for instance, a middle-aged woman experienced a short-term memory episode (didn’t realize where she was in a town she generally knew.) The episode may have been coincidental rather than caused by the experience, but one can’t be sure. So even for adventurous or other emotional or taxing physical situations, have some ‘first aid safety plans’ (other people checking in on a person whose doing gardening, lawn work or just being outdoors..where bugs might bite, dehydration can occur and more. Also even developing an allergy over time to bee stings or something as ‘usually harmless’ shell fish, seafood or nuts etc, can be alarming. Having knowledge of Who has an epipen (and benadryl) in one’s neighborhood or at which shop etc can be a lifesaver. Of course being tuned into whether and how to use such things is important as well. Benadryl may be an important first aid over the counter medicine to have handy for such things. Again talk with your medical physician about how to be prepared for any outdoor or allergic situation and take reasonable precautions. If one is pregnant another level of safety with an eye toward prevention, mainly having more company than not, someone one checks in with by email daily or more often, calls and has someone monitoring one especially as a delivery time comes near would make sense. Going into labor or being given news one needs to deliver the baby ‘sooner rather than later’ as in within a day or at an earlier time than was expected Should Be Prepared for…likely from month six or seven onward, especially if there are concerns about high blood pressure or high blood sugar or swelling (edema)or many other factors. Let’s see what healing modalities of inner peace and calm, clearing and connecting with the earth, star and universal flow and yes healing divine energies too can do to help us all heal on many levels… often with love from above chiming in and helping us consider that we may be living in more of a dreamworld than we imagined and that the Real Game may occur between lifetimes. That’s on other posts to consider…so all the best as you tune in and get rest!