Buying or Getting Programs (for free etc) online Sounds Great, But Back Them Up (on an External Hard Drive)
I invested about 60 dollars in an external hard drive now which I’ll use to back up all the things I’ve downloaded. That seems something everyone selling programs could make sure people understand is important to do so as not to lose the online products. Am I one of the last people (in their mid 50s and up) to understand that little caveat?
I hope to take a course in the Basics about the Basics to I don’t find myself (way too often) Not Knowing Really Important Stuff, Not Understanding Things Well Enough to Not Stress About Knowing So Little About Important Things (big and small. Why we didn’t have more public forums to share key information freely (or somewhat affordably) before the internet..and having regular daily access to it Before the Internet is puzzling.
Now that wi-fi and so forth is here to stay (hopefully without miserable health effects short term and longer, which Blake Levitt and others have warned us about for decades) there is no reason we shouldn’t have a 24/7 Communication and Message Center Hub in every town, ideally within hollering distance.
Maybe more people could do surveys through youth, senior center and community center personnel to find out whose Not Plugged Into the Internet or With Phone Access (Long-distance please and maybe even International to figure out more ways to create world peace while the international leaders seem to think that’s an option not a necessity for these times..)
Okay back to the US of A and encouragement for more to learn about Dining For Women (and ways to help women in other countries which is often a catalyst to help others in their area, such as children and yes, men too and transgendered or hermaphroites (people with aspects of both male and female bodily glands and organs) as well.
Well that brings the idea of communication and connection full circle in terms of having more ways to relate to one another locally, nationally and internationally. I have another post about referencing various types of people and various aspects about a person, including naming body parts with a simple letter-number code to help us all get on the same page, keep things as objective and accurate as possible (particularly with many languages and customs around the world and so on.)
See which does work in various countries as well to help educate nurses such as in Malawi where the ratio of nurse/midwives to people is 1 to 1000 people. There are 18 million people in Malawi. Let’s do all we can to help those in our schools and local and wider areas know The Basics… in all departments and pass on more educated, reasonable, just standards of care and human dignity for all, from cradle to grave and beyond.
There are many theories that promote ‘waiting 3 days’ to bury someone so their spirit can transition most gently and also to help family and friends address the changes in their social and practical lives. This kind of Threshold work is done in Rudolf Steiner communities. Many groups believe that souls incarnate in groups and with a host of agreements about how long each will live, how they will relate (as in make families, partners, parent-child or sibling relationships) and much more.
The overall idea is to help one another as spirits relate to each other in light of the human form and condition and times one chooses to live in (as in which culture and country and the various roles and experiences one will have.) That all works to help one balance one’s karma or otherwise find ways to address past choices and situations to ideally even things out and grow spiritually…
The ideas can relate to any religion I think yet many hold there is a universal energy connecting us all…and that divine beings and yes maybe one supreme being oversees a lot of it. Since everything is ‘spiritual’ gender likely takes a back seat for divine beings.
It seems we are more flexible in our definition and understanding about the basics of gender, in vitro and many other aspects of our beginnings and development over time. The qualities and mindset can be on a continuum or spectrum of characteristics and biology is not necessarily destiny as it was in times past, in more countries but not all.
Then there is the tension brought on by traditions or more current ‘honor killings’ which likely anyone could understand is a gross kill someone who has not committed a crime against another but rather is going against the preference of someone’s beliefs.Every person should consider the challenge and difficulty involved with ‘being family’ in terms of the heavy burden socially and practically placed on people to carry out harm if not mortal wounding of babies or more developed people to abide by one’s faith and ‘honor’.
That may mean a woman not marrying someone her parents decided should be her husband, possibly at a young age even. Or it may be due to any physical intimate contact with someone before she (or he) is allowed that by their customs or laws. There is an array of reasons for traditions and few public discussions going on to help people today think matters through and even learn which laws may be preventing them from carrying out harm to another person.
The social constructs can be very troubling and lead to homelessness or abuse as well, so there is something for everyone to consider. The more that can be tracked over time the better a current generation will be able to begin to comprehend what various people are facing, either as victims or perpetrators. Then ideally more interventions could be made and new agreements and supports extended to those in need. That could prevent a cycle of downward spirals, despair and confusion..just the basics to give people a fair new start in life, whenever that may be.