While some people like to know their efforts are reaching as many as possible, others want to know they are helping a certain someone with a serious need.

So here are two options to tune into…www.crophungerwalk.org/donate and www.standbyneusa.com. I heard about the latter from a friend whose a reporter and shared music videos of a fundraiser held here in the northwest corner of CT to help Neusa who became paralyzed from being in a car accident.We wish her the best in her healing efforts and restoring her life to a reasonable ‘new normal.’ Thank you very much for sharing and donating as you can.

Then there’s the CROP Walks which happen through CWS, Church World Service. The funds address hunger problems globally with some going to local efforts as well. The one in Falls Village CT is worth checking out if you are near or donating to as well, even after the official Walk on Sunday, Sept 30th in the afternoon.

See the site for more info and again thanks for taking steps in your life to address matters locally and as it works out, globally as well. Thanks for walking and talking with kindness and fairness as your guide. Peace and light… and have a good day and restful night (as I hope to do shortly!) For you baseball fans, I know folks who celebrated a birthday at Fenway Park and called it ‘Awesome’…so let’s hit one outta the park for these good causes, whaddaya say?