Β is a way to donate one time to Caitlin Johnstone who wrote a riveting piece about Bill Cosby’s violation of others as an analogy for how our country violates the sovereignity of other nations. We don’t want to be duped endlessly and she spells our some tough truths..with theories worth considering.( I do hope to set up a patreon account soon or one of these paypals since that’s been my hope for eons and I’ve had the info…just something not falling into Deciding to Do It and Get Help Following Through!)

Also see the ideas online on other serious concerns on Then there’s Steven Greer’s concerns that the playing field for tyranny and trouble will be taken to a new playing field of fake UFOs and aliens (actors not the real ones who may be impacting us for millenia is how the important theory goes.)

Whether they are for us or against us is up for debate yet the realization that we are not the most intelligent or capable beings in our galaxy is dawning on many. Then we have to hope we’ve got ‘the good guys’ on our side.

Barbara Marciniak and others say we have a lot of evolving with love and insight to do and then we will transform with new energies coming our way. Either way, we are not sitting ducks and doomed spiritually even if that plays out physically with climate change and so on. I realize this is a zinger of a post, the overall intent is to wake up a few more thousand folks a day and see if we can have meaningful discussions online and not rely on mainstream media…

Considering the idea of What IF something strange could inform our updated understanding and allow for better choices and relationships (maybe even among prior enemies and frenemies, races and classes that seemed mostly at odds or neglectful of one another) could shift?

Someone I thought of as antagonistic and uncaring offered a healing kind of program online..who knew..and I took it and found it helpful, chuckling all the time that I knew they had not been kind to me in the past but that they were very skilled at considering letting go and being more supportive.

Maybe there was a change in the past decade…for me it was first where I became aware of someone as though in a time warp. I kept my identity secret so there wasn’t a way to understand who I was on their part…and likely I’ll keep it that way for a bit but of course would like to know if they’d be decent to me if they knew who I really were.

Now that said, the bigger take away is to consider how we judge people we know 100x more closely than those we pass on the street. We may treat strangers and even people who are rude to us better than we do some in our circles..maybe even ourselves.

Anyone considering harming themselves or not taking care of themselves decently likely is having a distorted view and set of expectations of their own human self. Maybe they don’t even consider that there’s more to them than their physical being or take their past actions as set in concrete.

All of it can be reviewed as though part of a dream..and then allow a new part of the dream to unfold. We can even revise our dreams and dream a new one. That helped an older woman nearing her end when she was having a frightful dream about stepping out of a 2-story building into thin air. I shared maybe she was thinking about dying in her dreams and she could have a great eagle or flying carpet appear just in time to take her on a journey.

About a week later she told me with a gleam in her eye that when she had that dream again, she got on An Eagle! She did die within a year or so and left the town 20K so had been living in that realm of giving and seemed at peace.

What IF we could dream more often collectively when awake (and even asleep..sharing the dreams, seeing what they may mean for the people who had them but also for those who hear them…what if They Had that dream, what would it mean in their life or time?) That’s the kind of shamanic or metaphysical thinking that the world may need more of, some may call it prayer and living with divine guidance.

Trusting one’s heart and intuition, being in one’s body, allowing one’s feelings to flow and chakras to clear with simple meditations (not usually easy if one’s never heard of that kind of thing but trusting one can relax and be safe and grounded to the earth energy as though a tree with roots growing into the ground (energetically, you can still walk and move) can be a healling idea. Same with taking in a sense of connection with the stars and other people as well… all working together with that sense of Gaia energy (The earth and everything on it being a living, intelligent being and matrix…so all one instead of alone…) Let’s expand that to the galaxy..’specially with the good guys energies and see what dreams we have…